### MultiXP is a MultiMC fork meant thats meant to work on vanilla XP with patches to bring back support, thus letting XP users finally enjoy 1.17+! Also lets vista users experience 1.18+ since Java 16 was the last stable java version under the extended kernel!
A note on [mods](https://github.com/Chocohead/Not-So-New/releases/tag/v6.15), if they don't run then don't blame MultiXP and blame Java instead. Also read this [issue](https://github.com/Chocohead/Not-So-New/issues/17) if you're an XP user
To add XP compatiblity mods, add **fabric** first then go to the **mod page** in your instance of choice, and click "Add compatiblity mods", from there you can select "NotSoNew", and optionally ForceGL20 if you experience OpenGL issues or crashes (I'd say you add ForceGL)
- MultiMC contribuitors and creator for making MultiMC
- Chocohead for making [NotSoNew](https://github.com/Chocohead/Not-So-New/releases)
- [Creator](https://modrinth.com/mod/forcegl20/versions) and current [maintainer](https://github.com/coredex-source/ForceGL20-1.2x/releases/tag/1.2.0) of ForgeGL2.0