@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<component type="desktop-application">
<!--Created with jdAppStreamEdit 7.1-->
<summary>Snappier Discord app with Vencord</summary>
<developer_name>Vencord Contributors</developer_name>
<launchable type="desktop-id">dev.vencord.Vesktop.desktop</launchable>
<p>Vesktop is a cross platform desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord experience with Vencord pre-installed.</p>
<p>Vesktop comes bundled with Venmic, a purpose-built library to provide functioning audio screenshare.</p>
<screenshot type="default">
<caption>Vencord settings page and about window open</caption>
<image type="source">https://vencord.dev/assets/screenshots/vesktop-1-appstream.png</image>
<caption>A dialog showing screenshare options</caption>
<image type="source">https://vencord.dev/assets/screenshots/vesktop-2-appstream.png</image>
<caption>A screenshot of a Discord server</caption>
<image type="source">https://vencord.dev/assets/screenshots/vesktop-3-appstream.png</image>
<release version="1.5.3" date="2024-07-04" type="stable">
<li>added arm64 Windows support</li>
<li>windows & macOS builds are now universal</li>
<li>added option to configure spellcheck languages</li>
<li>will auto-update from now on</li>
<li>updated electron to 31 & Chromium to 126</li>
<li>macOS: Added customized dmg background by @khcrysalis</li>
<li>Windows Portable: store settings in portable folder by @MrGarlic1</li>
<li>linux audioshare: added granular selection, more options, better ui by @Curve</li>
<li>changed default screen-sharing quality to 720p 30 FPS by @Tiagoquix</li>
<li>macOS: Added workaround for making things in draggable area clickable by @HAHALOSAH</li>
<li>fixed Screenshare UI for non-linux systems by @PolisanTheEasyNick</li>
<li>fixed opening on screen that was disconnected by @MrGarlic1</li>
<li>mac: hide native window controls with custom titlebar enabled by @MrGarlic1</li>
<li>fixed some broken patches by @D3SOX</li>
<li>fixed framerate in constraints by @kittykel</li>
<li>fixed some first launch switches not applying</li>
<li>fixed potential sandbox escape via custom vencord location</li>
<release version="1.5.2" date="2024-05-01" type="stable">
<p>What's Changed</p>
<li>Fixed scrollbars looking wrong (actually Discord's fault)</li>
<li>Tray: Added left click hide/show feature by @0bCdian</li>
<li>MacOS: Fixed the app not properly requesting microphone permissions by @ssalggnikool</li>
<li>Linux: Various fixed related to audio screenshare by @Curve</li>
<li>Linux: Overhauled & improved screenshare with better framerate by @kaitlynkittyy</li>
<li>Users can now pass --enable/disable-features command line flags by @takase1121</li>
<release version="1.5.1" date="2024-03-12" type="stable">
<p>New Features</p>
<li>Added categories to Vesktop settings to reduce visual clutter by @justin13888</li>
<li>Added support for Vencord's transparent window options</li>
<li>Fixed ugly error popups when starting Vesktop without working internet connection</li>
<li>Fixed popout title bars on Windows</li>
<li>Fixed spellcheck entries</li>
<li>Fixed screenshare audio using microphone on debian, by @Curve</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where autostart on Linux won't preserve command line flags</li>
<release version="1.5.0" date="2024-01-16" type="stable">
<p>What's Changed</p>
<li>fully renamed to Vesktop. You will likely have to login to Discord again. You might have to re-create your vesktop shortcut</li>
<li>added option to disable smooth scrolling by @ZirixCZ</li>
<li>added setting to disable hardware acceleration by @zt64</li>
<li>fixed adding connections</li>
<li>fixed / improved discord popouts</li>
<li>you can now use the custom discord titlebar on linux/mac</li>
<li>the splash window is now draggable</li>
<li>now signed on mac</li>
<release version="0.4.4" date="2023-12-02" type="stable">
<p>What's Changed</p>
<li>improve venmic system compatibility by @Curve</li>
<li>Update steamdeck controller layout by @AAGaming00</li>
<li>feat: Add option to disable smooth scrolling by @ZirixCZ</li>
<li>unblur shiggy in splash screen by @viacoro</li>
<li>update electron & arrpc @D3SOX</li>
<release version="0.4.3" date="2023-11-01" type="stable">
<release version="0.4.2" date="2023-10-26" type="stable">
<release version="0.4.1" date="2023-10-24" type="stable">
<release version="0.4.0" date="2023-10-21" type="stable">
<release version="0.3.3" date="2023-09-30" type="stable">
<release version="0.3.2" date="2023-09-25" type="stable">
<release version="0.3.1" date="2023-09-25" type="stable">
<release version="0.3.0" date="2023-08-16" type="stable">
<release version="0.2.9" date="2023-08-12" type="stable">
<release version="0.2.8" date="2023-08-02" type="stable">
<release version="0.2.7" date="2023-07-26" type="stable">
<release version="0.2.6" date="2023-07-04" type="stable">
<release version="0.2.5" date="2023-06-26" type="stable">
<release version="0.2.4" date="2023-06-25" type="stable">
<release version="0.2.3" date="2023-06-23" type="stable">
<release version="0.2.2" date="2023-06-21" type="stable">
<release version="0.2.1" date="2023-06-21" type="stable">
<release version="0.2.0" date="2023-05-03" type="stable">
<release version="0.1.9" date="2023-04-27" type="stable">
<release version="0.1.8" date="2023-04-15" type="stable">
<release version="0.1.7" date="2023-04-15" type="stable">
<release version="0.1.6" date="2023-04-11" type="stable">
<release version="0.1.5" date="2023-04-10" type="stable">
<release version="0.1.4" date="2023-04-09" type="stable">
<release version="0.1.3" date="2023-04-06" type="stable">
<release version="0.1.2" date="2023-04-05" type="stable">
<release version="0.1.1" date="2023-04-04" type="stable">
<release version="0.1.0" date="2023-04-04" type="development">
<url type="homepage">https://vencord.dev/</url>
<url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/Vencord/Vesktop/issues</url>
<url type="faq">https://vencord.dev/faq/</url>
<url type="help">https://github.com/Vencord/Vesktop/issues</url>
<url type="donation">https://github.com/sponsors/Vendicated</url>
<url type="vcs-browser">https://github.com/Vencord/Vesktop</url>
<display_length compare="ge">420</display_length>
<display_length compare="ge">760</display_length>
<display_length compare="le">1200</display_length>
<content_rating type="oars-1.1">
<content_attribute id="social-chat">intense</content_attribute>
<content_attribute id="social-audio">intense</content_attribute>
<content_attribute id="social-contacts">intense</content_attribute>
<content_attribute id="social-info">intense</content_attribute>
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/src/process/index.js b/src/process/index.js
index 97ea6514b54dd9c5df588c78f0397d31ab5f882a..c2bdbd6aaa5611bc6ff1d993beeb380b1f5ec575 100644
--- a/src/process/index.js
+++ b/src/process/index.js
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ import fs from 'node:fs';
import { dirname, join } from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
-const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
-const DetectableDB = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'detectable.json'), 'utf8'));
+const DetectableDB = require('./detectable.json');
import * as Natives from './native/index.js';
const Native = Natives[process.platform];
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { BuildOptions, build } from "esbuild";
const isDev = process.argv.includes("--dev");
const CommonOpts: BuildOptions = {
minify: true,
bundle: true,
sourcemap: "inline",
logLevel: "info"
const NodeCommonOpts: BuildOptions = {
format: "cjs",
platform: "node",
external: ["electron"],
target: ["esnext"],
define: {
IS_DEV: JSON.stringify(isDev)
async function buildUnpacked() {
await Promise.all([
entryPoints: ["src/main/index.ts"],
outfile: "dist/js/main.js",
footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VCDMain" }
entryPoints: ["src/preload/index.ts"],
outfile: "dist/js/preload.js",
footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VCDPreload" }
entryPoints: ["src/updater/preload.ts"],
outfile: "dist/js/updaterPreload.js",
footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VCDUpdaterPreload" }
globalName: "Vesktop",
entryPoints: ["src/renderer/index.ts"],
outfile: "dist/js/renderer.js",
format: "iife",
inject: ["./scripts/build/injectReact.mjs"],
jsxFactory: "VencordCreateElement",
jsxFragment: "VencordFragment",
external: ["@vencord/types/*"],
footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VCDRenderer" }
buildUnpacked().catch(err => {
console.error("Build failed:", err);
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
export const VencordFragment = /* #__PURE__*/ Symbol.for("react.fragment");
export let VencordCreateElement = (...args) =>
(VencordCreateElement = Vencord.Webpack.Common.React.createElement)(...args);
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
// Based on https://github.com/gergof/electron-builder-sandbox-fix/blob/master/lib/index.js
const fs = require("fs/promises");
const path = require("path");
let isApplied = false;
const hook = async () => {
if (isApplied) return;
isApplied = true;
if (process.platform !== "linux") {
// this fix is only required on linux
const AppImageTarget = require("app-builder-lib/out/targets/AppImageTarget");
const oldBuildMethod = AppImageTarget.default.prototype.build;
AppImageTarget.default.prototype.build = async function (...args) {
console.log("Running AppImage builder hook", args);
const oldPath = args[0];
const newPath = oldPath + "-appimage-sandbox-fix";
// just in case
try {
await fs.rm(newPath, {
recursive: true
} catch {}
console.log("Copying to apply appimage fix", oldPath, newPath);
await fs.cp(oldPath, newPath, {
recursive: true
args[0] = newPath;
const executable = path.join(newPath, this.packager.executableName);
const loaderScript = `
#!/usr/bin/env bash
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "\${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
if [[ "$SteamOS" == "1" && "$SteamGamepadUI" == "1" ]]; then
echo "Running Vesktop on SteamOS, disabling sandbox"
exec "$SCRIPT_DIR/${this.packager.executableName}.bin" "$([ "$IS_STEAMOS" == 1 ] && echo '--no-sandbox')" "$@"
try {
await fs.rename(executable, executable + ".bin");
await fs.writeFile(executable, loaderScript);
await fs.chmod(executable, 0o755);
} catch (e) {
console.error("failed to create loder for sandbox fix: " + e.message);
throw new Error("Failed to create loader for sandbox fix");
const ret = await oldBuildMethod.apply(this, args);
await fs.rm(newPath, {
recursive: true
return ret;
module.exports = hook;
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { globalExternalsWithRegExp } from "@fal-works/esbuild-plugin-global-externals";
const names = {
webpack: "Vencord.Webpack",
"webpack/common": "Vencord.Webpack.Common",
utils: "Vencord.Util",
api: "Vencord.Api",
"api/settings": "Vencord",
components: "Vencord.Components"
export default globalExternalsWithRegExp({
getModuleInfo(modulePath) {
const path = modulePath.replace("@vencord/types/", "");
let varName = names[path];
if (!varName) {
const altMapping = names[path.split("/")[0]];
if (!altMapping) throw new Error("Unknown module path: " + modulePath);
varName =
altMapping +
"." +
// @ts-ignore
path.split("/")[1].replaceAll("/", ".");
return {
type: "cjs"
modulePathFilter: /^@vencord\/types.+$/
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import "./utils/dotenv";
import { spawnNodeModuleBin } from "./utils/spawn.mjs";
spawnNodeModuleBin("electron", [process.cwd(), ...(process.env.ELECTRON_LAUNCH_FLAGS?.split(" ") ?? [])]);
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import "./start";
import { spawnNodeModuleBin } from "./utils/spawn.mjs";
spawnNodeModuleBin("tsx", ["scripts/build/build.mts", "--", "--watch", "--dev"]);
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { config } from "dotenv";
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { spawn as spaaawn, SpawnOptions } from "child_process";
import { join } from "path";
const EXT = process.platform === "win32" ? ".cmd" : "";
const OPTS: SpawnOptions = {
stdio: "inherit"
export function spawnNodeModuleBin(bin: string, args: string[]) {
spaaawn(join("node_modules", ".bin", bin + EXT), args, OPTS);
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { promises as fs } from "node:fs";
import { DOMParser, XMLSerializer } from "@xmldom/xmldom";
import xmlFormat from "xml-formatter";
function generateDescription(description: string, descriptionNode: Element) {
const lines = description.replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n");
let currentList: Element | null = null;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const line = lines[i];
if (line.includes("New Contributors")) {
// we're done, don't parse any more since the new contributors section is the last one
if (line.startsWith("## ")) {
const pNode = descriptionNode.ownerDocument.createElement("p");
pNode.textContent = line.slice(3);
} else if (line.startsWith("* ")) {
const liNode = descriptionNode.ownerDocument.createElement("li");
liNode.textContent = line.slice(2).split("in https://github.com")[0].trim(); // don't include links to github
if (!currentList) {
currentList = descriptionNode.ownerDocument.createElement("ul");
if (currentList && !lines[i + 1].startsWith("* ")) {
currentList = null;
const latestReleaseInformation = await fetch("https://api.github.com/repos/Vencord/Vesktop/releases/latest", {
headers: {
Accept: "application/vnd.github+json",
"X-Github-Api-Version": "2022-11-28"
}).then(res => res.json());
const metaInfo = await fs.readFile("./meta/dev.vencord.Vesktop.metainfo.xml", "utf-8");
const parser = new DOMParser().parseFromString(metaInfo, "text/xml");
const releaseList = parser.getElementsByTagName("releases")[0];
for (let i = 0; i < releaseList.childNodes.length; i++) {
const release = releaseList.childNodes[i] as Element;
if (release.nodeType === 1 && release.getAttribute("version") === latestReleaseInformation.name) {
console.log("Latest release already added, nothing to be done");
const release = parser.createElement("release");
release.setAttribute("version", latestReleaseInformation.name);
release.setAttribute("date", latestReleaseInformation.published_at.split("T")[0]);
release.setAttribute("type", "stable");
const releaseUrl = parser.createElement("url");
releaseUrl.textContent = latestReleaseInformation.html_url;
const description = parser.createElement("description");
// we're not using a full markdown parser here since we don't have a lot of formatting options to begin with
generateDescription(latestReleaseInformation.body, description);
releaseList.insertBefore(release, releaseList.childNodes[0]);
const output = xmlFormat(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(parser), {
lineSeparator: "\n",
collapseContent: true,
indentation: " "
await fs.writeFile("./meta/dev.vencord.Vesktop.metainfo.xml", output, "utf-8");
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
declare global {
export var VesktopNative: typeof import("preload/VesktopNative").VesktopNative;
export var Vesktop: typeof import("renderer/index");
export var VCDP: any;
export var IS_DEV: boolean;
export {};
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { BrowserWindow } from "electron";
import { join } from "path";
import { ICON_PATH, VIEW_DIR } from "shared/paths";
import { makeLinksOpenExternally } from "./utils/makeLinksOpenExternally";
export function createAboutWindow() {
const about = new BrowserWindow({
center: true,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
icon: ICON_PATH,
webPreferences: {
preload: join(__dirname, "updaterPreload.js")
about.loadFile(join(VIEW_DIR, "about.html"));
return about;
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { app, NativeImage, nativeImage } from "electron";
import { join } from "path";
import { BADGE_DIR } from "shared/paths";
const imgCache = new Map<number, NativeImage>();
function loadBadge(index: number) {
const cached = imgCache.get(index);
if (cached) return cached;
const img = nativeImage.createFromPath(join(BADGE_DIR, `${index}.ico`));
imgCache.set(index, img);
return img;
let lastIndex: null | number = -1;
export function setBadgeCount(count: number) {
switch (process.platform) {
case "linux":
if (count === -1) count = 0;
case "darwin":
if (count === 0) {
app.dock.setBadge(count === -1 ? "•" : count.toString());
case "win32":
const [index, description] = getBadgeIndexAndDescription(count);
if (lastIndex === index) break;
lastIndex = index;
// circular import shenanigans
const { mainWin } = require("./mainWindow") as typeof import("./mainWindow");
mainWin.setOverlayIcon(index === null ? null : loadBadge(index), description);
function getBadgeIndexAndDescription(count: number): [number | null, string] {
if (count === -1) return [11, "Unread Messages"];
if (count === 0) return [null, "No Notifications"];
const index = Math.max(1, Math.min(count, 10));
return [index, `${index} Notification`];
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import Server from "arrpc";
import { IpcEvents } from "shared/IpcEvents";
import { mainWin } from "./mainWindow";
import { Settings } from "./settings";
let server: any;
const inviteCodeRegex = /^(\w|-)+$/;
export async function initArRPC() {
if (server || !Settings.store.arRPC) return;
try {
server = await new Server();
server.on("activity", (data: any) => mainWin.webContents.send(IpcEvents.ARRPC_ACTIVITY, JSON.stringify(data)));
server.on("invite", (invite: string, callback: (valid: boolean) => void) => {
invite = String(invite);
if (!inviteCodeRegex.test(invite)) return callback(false);
// Safety: Result of JSON.stringify should always be safe to equal
// Also, just to be super super safe, invite is regex validated above
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to start arRPC server", e);
Settings.addChangeListener("arRPC", initArRPC);
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { app } from "electron";
import { existsSync, mkdirSync, renameSync, rmSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
import { join } from "path";
interface AutoStart {
isEnabled(): boolean;
enable(): void;
disable(): void;
function makeAutoStartLinux(): AutoStart {
const configDir = process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME || join(process.env.HOME!, ".config");
const dir = join(configDir, "autostart");
const file = join(dir, "vesktop.desktop");
const legacyName = join(dir, "vencord.desktop");
if (existsSync(legacyName)) renameSync(legacyName, file);
// "Quoting must be done by enclosing the argument between double quotes and escaping the double quote character,
// backtick character ("`"), dollar sign ("$") and backslash character ("\") by preceding it with an additional backslash character"
// https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html#exec-variables
const commandLine = process.argv.map(arg => '"' + arg.replace(/["$`\\]/g, "\\$&") + '"').join(" ");
return {
isEnabled: () => existsSync(file),
enable() {
const desktopFile = `
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Vesktop autostart script
mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true });
writeFileSync(file, desktopFile);
disable: () => rmSync(file, { force: true })
const autoStartWindowsMac: AutoStart = {
isEnabled: () => app.getLoginItemSettings().openAtLogin,
enable: () => app.setLoginItemSettings({ openAtLogin: true }),
disable: () => app.setLoginItemSettings({ openAtLogin: false })
export const autoStart = process.platform === "linux" ? makeAutoStartLinux() : autoStartWindowsMac;
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { app } from "electron";
import { existsSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync, renameSync, rmdirSync } from "fs";
import { dirname, join } from "path";
const vesktopDir = dirname(process.execPath);
export const PORTABLE =
process.platform === "win32" &&
!process.execPath.toLowerCase().endsWith("electron.exe") &&
!existsSync(join(vesktopDir, "Uninstall Vesktop.exe"));
const LEGACY_DATA_DIR = join(app.getPath("appData"), "VencordDesktop", "VencordDesktop");
export const DATA_DIR =
process.env.VENCORD_USER_DATA_DIR || (PORTABLE ? join(vesktopDir, "Aerocord_Data") : join(app.getPath("userData")));
mkdirSync(DATA_DIR, { recursive: true });
// TODO: remove eventually
if (existsSync(LEGACY_DATA_DIR)) {
try {
console.warn("Detected legacy settings dir", LEGACY_DATA_DIR + ".", "migrating to", DATA_DIR);
for (const file of readdirSync(LEGACY_DATA_DIR)) {
renameSync(join(LEGACY_DATA_DIR, file), join(DATA_DIR, file));
join(app.getPath("appData"), "VencordDesktop", "IndexedDB"),
join(DATA_DIR, "sessionData", "IndexedDB")
} catch (e) {
console.error("Migration failed", e);
const SESSION_DATA_DIR = join(DATA_DIR, "sessionData");
app.setPath("sessionData", SESSION_DATA_DIR);
export const VENCORD_SETTINGS_DIR = join(DATA_DIR, "settings");
export const VENCORD_QUICKCSS_FILE = join(VENCORD_SETTINGS_DIR, "quickCss.css");
export const VENCORD_SETTINGS_FILE = join(VENCORD_SETTINGS_DIR, "settings.json");
export const VENCORD_THEMES_DIR = join(DATA_DIR, "themes");
// needs to be inline require because of circular dependency
// as otherwise "DATA_DIR" (which is used by ./settings) will be uninitialised
export const VENCORD_FILES_DIR =
(require("./settings") as typeof import("./settings")).State.store.vencordDir ||
join(SESSION_DATA_DIR, "vencordFiles");
export const USER_AGENT = `Vesktop/${app.getVersion()} (https://github.com/Vencord/Vesktop)`;
// dimensions shamelessly stolen from Discord Desktop :3
export const MIN_WIDTH = 940;
export const MIN_HEIGHT = 500;
export const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 1280;
export const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 720;
export const DISCORD_HOSTNAMES = ["discord.com", "canary.discord.com", "ptb.discord.com"];
const VersionString = `AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/${process.versions.chrome.split(".")[0]}.0.0.0 Safari/537.36`;
const BrowserUserAgents = {
darwin: `Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) ${VersionString}`,
linux: `Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) ${VersionString}`,
windows: `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) ${VersionString}`
export const BrowserUserAgent = BrowserUserAgents[process.platform] || BrowserUserAgents.windows;
export const enum MessageBoxChoice {
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { app } from "electron";
import { BrowserWindow } from "electron/main";
import { copyFileSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync } from "fs";
import { join } from "path";
import { SplashProps } from "shared/browserWinProperties";
import { ICON_PATH, VIEW_DIR } from "shared/paths";
import { autoStart } from "./autoStart";
import { DATA_DIR } from "./constants";
import { createWindows } from "./mainWindow";
import { Settings, State } from "./settings";
import { makeLinksOpenExternally } from "./utils/makeLinksOpenExternally";
interface Data {
discordBranch: "stable" | "canary" | "ptb";
minimizeToTray?: "on";
autoStart?: "on";
importSettings?: "on";
richPresence?: "on";
export function createFirstLaunchTour() {
const win = new BrowserWindow({
frame: true,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
height: 470,
width: 550,
win.loadFile(join(VIEW_DIR, "first-launch.html"));
win.webContents.addListener("console-message", (_e, _l, msg) => {
if (msg === "cancel") return app.exit();
if (!msg.startsWith("form:")) return;
const data = JSON.parse(msg.slice(5)) as Data;
State.store.firstLaunch = false;
Settings.store.discordBranch = data.discordBranch;
Settings.store.minimizeToTray = !!data.minimizeToTray;
Settings.store.arRPC = !!data.richPresence;
if (data.autoStart) autoStart.enable();
if (data.importSettings) {
const from = join(app.getPath("userData"), "..", "Vencord", "settings");
const to = join(DATA_DIR, "settings");
try {
const files = readdirSync(from);
mkdirSync(to, { recursive: true });
for (const file of files) {
copyFileSync(join(from, file), join(to, file));
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to import settings:", e);
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import "./ipc";
import { app, BrowserWindow, nativeTheme } from "electron";
import { checkUpdates } from "updater/main";
import { DATA_DIR } from "./constants";
import { createFirstLaunchTour } from "./firstLaunch";
import { createWindows, mainWin } from "./mainWindow";
import { registerMediaPermissionsHandler } from "./mediaPermissions";
import { registerScreenShareHandler } from "./screenShare";
import { Settings, State } from "./settings";
import { isDeckGameMode } from "./utils/steamOS";
if (IS_DEV) {
function init() {
const { disableSmoothScroll, hardwareAcceleration } = Settings.store;
const enabledFeatures = app.commandLine.getSwitchValue("enable-features").split(",");
const disabledFeatures = app.commandLine.getSwitchValue("disable-features").split(",");
if (hardwareAcceleration === false) {
} else {
enabledFeatures.push("VaapiVideoDecodeLinuxGL", "VaapiVideoEncoder", "VaapiVideoDecoder");
if (disableSmoothScroll) {
// disable renderer backgrounding to prevent the app from unloading when in the background
// https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/2822
// https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-launcher/blob/5a27dd574d47a75fec0fb50f7b774ebf8a9791ba/docs/chrome-flags-for-tools.md#task-throttling
if (process.platform === "win32") {
// work around chrome 66 disabling autoplay by default
app.commandLine.appendSwitch("autoplay-policy", "no-user-gesture-required");
// WinRetrieveSuggestionsOnlyOnDemand: Work around electron 13 bug w/ async spellchecking on Windows.
// HardwareMediaKeyHandling,MediaSessionService: Prevent Discord from registering as a media service.
// WidgetLayering (Vencord Added): Fix DevTools context menus https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/38790
disabledFeatures.push("WinRetrieveSuggestionsOnlyOnDemand", "HardwareMediaKeyHandling", "MediaSessionService");
// Support TTS on Linux using speech-dispatcher
app.commandLine.appendSwitch("enable-features", [...new Set(enabledFeatures)].filter(Boolean).join(","));
app.commandLine.appendSwitch("disable-features", [...new Set(disabledFeatures)].filter(Boolean).join(","));
// In the Flatpak on SteamOS the theme is detected as light, but SteamOS only has a dark mode, so we just override it
if (isDeckGameMode) nativeTheme.themeSource = "dark";
app.on("second-instance", (_event, _cmdLine, _cwd, data: any) => {
if (data.IS_DEV) app.quit();
else if (mainWin) {
if (mainWin.isMinimized()) mainWin.restore();
if (!mainWin.isVisible()) mainWin.show();
app.whenReady().then(async () => {
if (process.platform === "win32") app.setAppUserModelId("dev.vencord.vesktop");
app.on("activate", () => {
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindows();
if (!app.requestSingleInstanceLock({ IS_DEV })) {
if (IS_DEV) {
console.log("Vesktop is already running. Quitting previous instance...");
} else {
console.log("Vesktop is already running. Quitting...");
} else {
async function bootstrap() {
if (!Object.hasOwn(State.store, "firstLaunch")) {
} else {
app.on("window-all-closed", () => {
if (process.platform !== "darwin") app.quit();
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
if (process.platform === "linux") import("./venmic");
import { execFile } from "child_process";
import { app, BrowserWindow, clipboard, dialog, nativeImage, RelaunchOptions, session, shell } from "electron";
import { mkdirSync, readFileSync, watch } from "fs";
import { open, readFile } from "fs/promises";
import { release } from "os";
import { join } from "path";
import { debounce } from "shared/utils/debounce";
import { IpcEvents } from "../shared/IpcEvents";
import { setBadgeCount } from "./appBadge";
import { autoStart } from "./autoStart";
import { mainWin } from "./mainWindow";
import { Settings, State } from "./settings";
import { handle, handleSync } from "./utils/ipcWrappers";
import { PopoutWindows } from "./utils/popout";
import { isDeckGameMode, showGamePage } from "./utils/steamOS";
import { isValidVencordInstall } from "./utils/vencordLoader";
import { isvencorddisabled } from "main/mainWindow";
if (!isvencorddisabled) {
handleSync(IpcEvents.GET_VENCORD_PRELOAD_FILE, () => join(VENCORD_FILES_DIR, "vencordDesktopPreload.js"));
} else {
handleSync(IpcEvents.GET_VENCORD_PRELOAD_FILE, () => join(VENCORD_FILES_DIR, "vencordDesktopPreload1.js"));
handleSync(IpcEvents.GET_VENCORD_RENDERER_SCRIPT, () =>
readFileSync(join(VENCORD_FILES_DIR, "vencordDesktopRenderer.js"), "utf-8")
handleSync(IpcEvents.GET_RENDERER_SCRIPT, () => readFileSync(join(__dirname, "renderer.js"), "utf-8"));
handleSync(IpcEvents.GET_RENDERER_CSS_FILE, () => join(__dirname, "renderer.css"));
handleSync(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS, () => Settings.plain);
handleSync(IpcEvents.GET_VERSION, () => app.getVersion());
() => process.platform === "win32" && Number(release().split(".").pop()) >= 22621
handleSync(IpcEvents.AUTOSTART_ENABLED, () => autoStart.isEnabled());
handle(IpcEvents.ENABLE_AUTOSTART, autoStart.enable);
handle(IpcEvents.DISABLE_AUTOSTART, autoStart.disable);
handle(IpcEvents.SET_SETTINGS, (_, settings: typeof Settings.store, path?: string) => {
Settings.setData(settings, path);
handle(IpcEvents.RELAUNCH, async () => {
const options: RelaunchOptions = {
args: process.argv.slice(1).concat(["--relaunch"])
if (isDeckGameMode) {
// We can't properly relaunch when running under gamescope, but we can at least navigate to our page in Steam.
await showGamePage();
} else if (app.isPackaged && process.env.APPIMAGE) {
execFile(process.env.APPIMAGE, options.args);
} else {
handle(IpcEvents.SHOW_ITEM_IN_FOLDER, (_, path) => {
handle(IpcEvents.FOCUS, () => {
handle(IpcEvents.CLOSE, (e, key?: string) => {
const popout = PopoutWindows.get(key!);
if (popout) return popout.close();
const win = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(e.sender) ?? e.sender;
handle(IpcEvents.MINIMIZE, e => {
handle(IpcEvents.MAXIMIZE, e => {
if (mainWin.isMaximized()) {
} else {
e.returnValue = session.defaultSession.availableSpellCheckerLanguages;
handle(IpcEvents.SPELLCHECK_REPLACE_MISSPELLING, (e, word: string) => {
handle(IpcEvents.SPELLCHECK_ADD_TO_DICTIONARY, (e, word: string) => {
handleSync(IpcEvents.GET_VENCORD_DIR, e => (e.returnValue = State.store.vencordDir));
handle(IpcEvents.SELECT_VENCORD_DIR, async (_e, value?: null) => {
if (value === null) {
delete State.store.vencordDir;
return "ok";
const res = await dialog.showOpenDialog(mainWin!, {
properties: ["openDirectory"]
if (!res.filePaths.length) return "cancelled";
const dir = res.filePaths[0];
if (!isValidVencordInstall(dir)) return "invalid";
State.store.vencordDir = dir;
return "ok";
handle(IpcEvents.SET_BADGE_COUNT, (_, count: number) => setBadgeCount(count));
handle(IpcEvents.CLIPBOARD_COPY_IMAGE, async (_, buf: ArrayBuffer, src: string) => {
html: `<img src="${src.replaceAll('"', '\\"')}">`,
image: nativeImage.createFromBuffer(Buffer.from(buf))
function readCss() {
return readFile(VENCORD_QUICKCSS_FILE, "utf-8").catch(() => "");
open(VENCORD_QUICKCSS_FILE, "a+").then(fd => {
{ persistent: false },
debounce(async () => {
mainWin?.webContents.postMessage("VencordQuickCssUpdate", await readCss());
}, 50)
mkdirSync(VENCORD_THEMES_DIR, { recursive: true });
{ persistent: false },
debounce(() => {
mainWin?.webContents.postMessage("VencordThemeUpdate", void 0);
@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import {
} from "electron";
import { rm } from "fs/promises";
import { join } from "path";
import { IpcEvents } from "shared/IpcEvents";
import { isTruthy } from "shared/utils/guards";
import { once } from "shared/utils/once";
import type { SettingsStore } from "shared/utils/SettingsStore";
import { ICON_PATH } from "../shared/paths";
import { createAboutWindow } from "./about";
import { initArRPC } from "./arrpc";
import {
} from "./constants";
import { Settings, State, VencordSettings } from "./settings";
import { createSplashWindow } from "./splash";
import { makeLinksOpenExternally } from "./utils/makeLinksOpenExternally";
import { applyDeckKeyboardFix, askToApplySteamLayout, isDeckGameMode } from "./utils/steamOS";
import { downloadVencordFiles, ensureVencordFiles } from "./utils/vencordLoader";
let isQuitting = false;
let tray: Tray;
app.on("before-quit", () => {
isQuitting = true;
export let mainWin: BrowserWindow;
function makeSettingsListenerHelpers<O extends object>(o: SettingsStore<O>) {
const listeners = new Map<(data: any) => void, PropertyKey>();
const addListener: typeof o.addChangeListener = (path, cb) => {
listeners.set(cb, path);
o.addChangeListener(path, cb);
const removeAllListeners = () => {
for (const [listener, path] of listeners) {
o.removeChangeListener(path as any, listener);
return [addListener, removeAllListeners] as const;
const [addSettingsListener, removeSettingsListeners] = makeSettingsListenerHelpers(Settings);
const [addVencordSettingsListener, removeVencordSettingsListeners] = makeSettingsListenerHelpers(VencordSettings);
function initTray(win: BrowserWindow) {
const onTrayClick = () => {
if (Settings.store.clickTrayToShowHide && win.isVisible()) win.hide();
else win.show();
const trayMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([
label: "Open",
click() {
label: "About",
click: createAboutWindow
label: "Repair Vencord",
async click() {
await downloadVencordFiles();
label: "Reset User Data",
async click() {
await clearData(win);
type: "separator"
label: "Open Updater",
click() {
const updaterPath = join(app.getPath('exe'), '..', 'Updater.exe');
label: "Restart",
click() {
label: "Close",
click() {
isQuitting = true;
tray = new Tray(ICON_PATH);
tray.on("click", onTrayClick);
async function clearData(win: BrowserWindow) {
const { response } = await dialog.showMessageBox(win, {
message: "Are you sure you want to reset Aerocord?",
detail: "This will log you out, clear caches and reset all your settings!\n\Aerocord will automatically restart after this operation.",
buttons: ["Yes", "No"],
cancelId: MessageBoxChoice.Cancel,
defaultId: MessageBoxChoice.Default,
type: "warning"
if (response === MessageBoxChoice.Cancel) return;
await win.webContents.session.clearStorageData();
await win.webContents.session.clearCache();
await win.webContents.session.clearCodeCaches({});
await rm(DATA_DIR, { force: true, recursive: true });
type MenuItemList = Array<MenuItemConstructorOptions | false>;
function initMenuBar(win: BrowserWindow) {
const isWindows = process.platform === "win32";
const isDarwin = process.platform === "darwin";
const wantCtrlQ = !isWindows || VencordSettings.store.winCtrlQ;
const subMenu = [
label: "About Vesktop",
click: createAboutWindow
label: "Force Update Vencord",
async click() {
await downloadVencordFiles();
toolTip: "Vesktop will automatically restart after this operation"
label: "Reset Aerocord",
async click() {
await clearData(win);
toolTip: "Vesktop will automatically restart after this operation"
label: "Relaunch",
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+R",
click() {
? []
: ([
type: "separator"
label: "Settings",
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+,",
async click() {
"Vencord.Webpack.Common.SettingsRouter.open('My Account')"
type: "separator"
role: "hide"
role: "hideOthers"
role: "unhide"
type: "separator"
] satisfies MenuItemList)),
label: "Quit",
accelerator: wantCtrlQ ? "CmdOrCtrl+Q" : void 0,
visible: !isWindows,
role: "quit",
click() {
isWindows && {
label: "Quit",
accelerator: "Alt+F4",
role: "quit",
click() {
// See https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/14742 and https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/5256
label: "Zoom in (hidden, hack for Qwertz and others)",
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+=",
role: "zoomIn",
visible: false
] satisfies MenuItemList;
const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([
label: "Vesktop",
role: "appMenu",
submenu: subMenu.filter(isTruthy)
{ role: "fileMenu" },
{ role: "editMenu" },
{ role: "viewMenu" },
{ role: "windowMenu" }
function getWindowBoundsOptions(): BrowserWindowConstructorOptions {
// We want the default window behaivour to apply in game mode since it expects everything to be fullscreen and maximized.
if (isDeckGameMode) return {};
const { x, y, width, height } = State.store.windowBounds ?? {};
const options = {
width: width ?? DEFAULT_WIDTH,
height: height ?? DEFAULT_HEIGHT
} as BrowserWindowConstructorOptions;
const storedDisplay = screen.getAllDisplays().find(display => display.id === State.store.displayid);
if (x != null && y != null && storedDisplay) {
options.x = x;
options.y = y;
if (!Settings.store.disableMinSize) {
options.minWidth = MIN_WIDTH;
options.minHeight = MIN_HEIGHT;
return options;
function getDarwinOptions(): BrowserWindowConstructorOptions {
const options = {
titleBarStyle: "hidden",
trafficLightPosition: { x: 10, y: 10 }
} as BrowserWindowConstructorOptions;
const { splashTheming, splashBackground } = Settings.store;
const { macosTranslucency } = VencordSettings.store;
if (macosTranslucency) {
options.vibrancy = "sidebar";
options.backgroundColor = "#ffffff00";
} else {
if (splashTheming) {
options.backgroundColor = splashBackground;
} else {
options.backgroundColor = nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors ? "#313338" : "#ffffff";
return options;
function initWindowBoundsListeners(win: BrowserWindow) {
const saveState = () => {
State.store.maximized = win.isMaximized();
State.store.minimized = win.isMinimized();
win.on("maximize", saveState);
win.on("minimize", saveState);
win.on("unmaximize", saveState);
const saveBounds = () => {
State.store.windowBounds = win.getBounds();
State.store.displayid = screen.getDisplayMatching(State.store.windowBounds).id;
win.on("resize", saveBounds);
win.on("move", saveBounds);
function initSettingsListeners(win: BrowserWindow) {
addSettingsListener("tray", enable => {
if (enable) initTray(win);
else tray?.destroy();
addSettingsListener("disableMinSize", disable => {
if (disable) {
// 0 no work
win.setMinimumSize(1, 1);
} else {
win.setMinimumSize(MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT);
const { width, height } = win.getBounds();
width: Math.max(width, MIN_WIDTH),
height: Math.max(height, MIN_HEIGHT)
addVencordSettingsListener("macosTranslucency", enabled => {
if (enabled) {
} else {
addSettingsListener("enableMenu", enabled => {
win.setAutoHideMenuBar(enabled ?? false);
addSettingsListener("spellCheckLanguages", languages => initSpellCheckLanguages(win, languages));
async function initSpellCheckLanguages(win: BrowserWindow, languages?: string[]) {
languages ??= await win.webContents.executeJavaScript("[...new Set(navigator.languages)]").catch(() => []);
if (!languages) return;
const ses = session.defaultSession;
const available = ses.availableSpellCheckerLanguages;
const applicable = languages.filter(l => available.includes(l)).slice(0, 5);
if (applicable.length) ses.setSpellCheckerLanguages(applicable);
function initSpellCheck(win: BrowserWindow) {
win.webContents.on("context-menu", (_, data) => {
win.webContents.send(IpcEvents.SPELLCHECK_RESULT, data.misspelledWord, data.dictionarySuggestions);
initSpellCheckLanguages(win, Settings.store.spellCheckLanguages);
function createMainWindow() {
// Clear up previous settings listeners
const { staticTitle, transparencyOption, enableMenu, customTitleBar } = Settings.store;
const { frameless, transparent } = VencordSettings.store;
const noFrame = frameless === true || customTitleBar === true;
const win = (mainWin = new BrowserWindow({
show: false,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: false,
sandbox: false,
contextIsolation: true,
devTools: true,
preload: join(__dirname, "preload.js"),
spellcheck: true,
// disable renderer backgrounding to prevent the app from unloading when in the background
backgroundThrottling: false
icon: ICON_PATH,
frame: !noFrame,
...(transparent && {
transparent: true,
backgroundColor: "#00000000"
...(transparencyOption &&
transparencyOption !== "none" && {
backgroundColor: "#00000000",
backgroundMaterial: transparencyOption
// Fix transparencyOption for custom discord titlebar
...(customTitleBar &&
transparencyOption &&
transparencyOption !== "none" && {
transparent: true
...(staticTitle && { title: "Vesktop" }),
...(process.platform === "darwin" && getDarwinOptions()),
autoHideMenuBar: enableMenu
if (process.platform === "darwin" && customTitleBar) win.setWindowButtonVisibility(false);
win.on("close", e => {
const useTray = !isDeckGameMode && Settings.store.minimizeToTray !== false && Settings.store.tray !== false;
if (isQuitting || (process.platform !== "darwin" && !useTray)) return;
if (process.platform === "darwin") app.hide();
else win.hide();
return false;
if (Settings.store.staticTitle) win.on("page-title-updated", e => e.preventDefault());
if (!isDeckGameMode && (Settings.store.tray ?? true) && process.platform !== "darwin") initTray(win);
const subdomain =
Settings.store.discordBranch === "canary" || Settings.store.discordBranch === "ptb"
? `${Settings.store.discordBranch}.`
: "";
return win;
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
export const isvencorddisabled: boolean = fs.existsSync(path.join(app.getPath('exe'), '..', 'be_gone_vendicated.txt'));
const runVencordMain = once(() => require(join(VENCORD_FILES_DIR, "vencordDesktopMain.js")));
const extension = path.join(app.getPath('exe'), '..', 'extension');
function vendicated() {
if (!isvencorddisabled) {
console.log('vencord is enabled');
} else {
console.log('vencord is disabled');
export async function createWindows() {
const startMinimized = process.argv.includes("--start-minimized");
const splash = createSplashWindow(startMinimized);
// SteamOS letterboxes and scales it terribly, so just full screen it
if (isDeckGameMode) splash.setFullScreen(true);
await ensureVencordFiles();
mainWin = createMainWindow();
.then(() => {
console.log('extension is loaded');
.catch(() => {
console.warn('extension is not loaded');
.finally(() => {
mainWin.webContents.on("did-finish-load", () => {
if (!startMinimized) {
if (State.store.maximized && !isDeckGameMode) mainWin.maximize();
if (isDeckGameMode) {
mainWin.once("show", () => {
if (State.store.maximized && !mainWin.isMaximized() && !isDeckGameMode) {
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { session, systemPreferences } from "electron";
export function registerMediaPermissionsHandler() {
if (process.platform !== "darwin") return;
session.defaultSession.setPermissionRequestHandler(async (_webContents, permission, callback, details) => {
let granted = true;
if ("mediaTypes" in details) {
if (details.mediaTypes?.includes("audio")) {
granted &&= await systemPreferences.askForMediaAccess("microphone");
if (details.mediaTypes?.includes("video")) {
granted &&= await systemPreferences.askForMediaAccess("camera");
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { desktopCapturer, session, Streams } from "electron";
import type { StreamPick } from "renderer/components/ScreenSharePicker";
import { IpcEvents } from "shared/IpcEvents";
import { handle } from "./utils/ipcWrappers";
const isWayland =
process.platform === "linux" && (process.env.XDG_SESSION_TYPE === "wayland" || !!process.env.WAYLAND_DISPLAY);
export function registerScreenShareHandler() {
handle(IpcEvents.CAPTURER_GET_LARGE_THUMBNAIL, async (_, id: string) => {
const sources = await desktopCapturer.getSources({
types: ["window", "screen"],
thumbnailSize: {
width: 1920,
height: 1080
return sources.find(s => s.id === id)?.thumbnail.toDataURL();
session.defaultSession.setDisplayMediaRequestHandler(async (request, callback) => {
// request full resolution on wayland right away because we always only end up with one result anyway
const width = isWayland ? 1920 : 176;
const sources = await desktopCapturer
types: ["window", "screen"],
thumbnailSize: {
height: width * (9 / 16)
.catch(err => console.error("Error during screenshare picker", err));
if (!sources) return callback({});
const data = sources.map(({ id, name, thumbnail }) => ({
url: thumbnail.toDataURL()
if (isWayland) {
const video = data[0];
if (video) {
const stream = await request
.catch(() => null);
if (stream === null) return callback({});
callback(video ? { video: sources[0] } : {});
const choice = await request
.then(e => e as StreamPick)
.catch(e => {
console.error("Error during screenshare picker", e);
return null;
if (!choice) return callback({});
const source = sources.find(s => s.id === choice.id);
if (!source) return callback({});
const streams: Streams = {
video: source
if (choice.audio && process.platform === "win32") streams.audio = "loopback";
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { existsSync, mkdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
import { dirname, join } from "path";
import type { Settings as TSettings, State as TState } from "shared/settings";
import { SettingsStore } from "shared/utils/SettingsStore";
import { DATA_DIR, VENCORD_SETTINGS_FILE } from "./constants";
const SETTINGS_FILE = join(DATA_DIR, "settings.json");
const STATE_FILE = join(DATA_DIR, "state.json");
function loadSettings<T extends object = any>(file: string, name: string) {
let settings = {} as T;
try {
const content = readFileSync(file, "utf8");
try {
settings = JSON.parse(content);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Failed to parse ${name}.json:`, err);
} catch {}
const store = new SettingsStore(settings);
store.addGlobalChangeListener(o => {
mkdirSync(dirname(file), { recursive: true });
writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(o, null, 4));
return store;
export const Settings = loadSettings<TSettings>(SETTINGS_FILE, "Vesktop settings");
export const VencordSettings = loadSettings<any>(VENCORD_SETTINGS_FILE, "Vencord settings");
if (Object.hasOwn(Settings.plain, "firstLaunch") && !existsSync(STATE_FILE)) {
console.warn("legacy state in settings.json detected. migrating to state.json");
const state = {} as TState;
for (const prop of [
] as const) { state[prop] = Settings.plain[prop];
delete Settings.plain[prop];
writeFileSync(STATE_FILE, JSON.stringify(state, null, 4));
export const State = loadSettings<TState>(STATE_FILE, "Vesktop state");
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { BrowserWindow } from "electron";
import { join } from "path";
import { SplashProps } from "shared/browserWinProperties";
import { ICON_PATH, VIEW_DIR } from "shared/paths";
import { Settings } from "./settings";
export function createSplashWindow(startMinimized = false) {
const splash = new BrowserWindow({
icon: ICON_PATH,
show: !startMinimized
splash.loadFile(join(VIEW_DIR, "splash.html"));
const { splashBackground, splashColor, splashTheming } = Settings.store;
if (splashTheming) {
if (splashColor) {
const semiTransparentSplashColor = splashColor.replace("rgb(", "rgba(").replace(")", ", 0.2)");
splash.webContents.insertCSS(`body { --fg: ${splashColor} !important }`);
splash.webContents.insertCSS(`body { --fg-semi-trans: ${semiTransparentSplashColor} !important }`);
if (splashBackground) {
splash.webContents.insertCSS(`body { --bg: ${splashBackground} !important }`);
return splash;
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { createWriteStream } from "fs";
import { Readable } from "stream";
import { pipeline } from "stream/promises";
import { setTimeout } from "timers/promises";
interface FetchieOptions {
retryOnNetworkError?: boolean;
export async function downloadFile(url: string, file: string, options: RequestInit = {}, fetchieOpts?: FetchieOptions) {
const res = await fetchie(url, options, fetchieOpts);
await pipeline(
// @ts-expect-error odd type error
createWriteStream(file, {
autoClose: true
const ONE_MINUTE_MS = 1000 * 60;
export async function fetchie(url: string, options?: RequestInit, { retryOnNetworkError }: FetchieOptions = {}) {
let res: Response | undefined;
try {
res = await fetch(url, options);
} catch (err) {
if (retryOnNetworkError) {
console.error("Failed to fetch", url + ".", "Gonna retry with backoff.");
for (let tries = 0, delayMs = 500; tries < 20; tries++, delayMs = Math.min(2 * delayMs, ONE_MINUTE_MS)) {
await setTimeout(delayMs);
try {
res = await fetch(url, options);
} catch {}
if (!res) throw new Error(`Failed to fetch ${url}\n${err}`);
if (res.ok) return res;
let msg = `Got non-OK response for ${url}: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`;
const reason = await res.text().catch(() => "");
if (reason) msg += `\n${reason}`;
throw new Error(msg);
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { ipcMain, IpcMainEvent, IpcMainInvokeEvent, WebFrameMain } from "electron";
import { DISCORD_HOSTNAMES } from "main/constants";
import { IpcEvents } from "shared/IpcEvents";
export function validateSender(frame: WebFrameMain | null) {
if (!frame) throw new Error("ipc: No sender frame");
const { hostname, protocol } = new URL(frame.url);
if (protocol === "file:") return;
if (!DISCORD_HOSTNAMES.includes(hostname)) throw new Error("ipc: Disallowed host " + hostname);
export function handleSync(event: IpcEvents, cb: (e: IpcMainEvent, ...args: any[]) => any) {
ipcMain.on(event, (e, ...args) => {
e.returnValue = cb(e, ...args);
export function handle(event: IpcEvents, cb: (e: IpcMainInvokeEvent, ...args: any[]) => any) {
ipcMain.handle(event, (e, ...args) => {
return cb(e, ...args);
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { BrowserWindow, shell } from "electron";
import { DISCORD_HOSTNAMES } from "main/constants";
import { Settings } from "../settings";
import { createOrFocusPopup, setupPopout } from "./popout";
import { execSteamURL, isDeckGameMode, steamOpenURL } from "./steamOS";
export function handleExternalUrl(url: string, protocol?: string): { action: "deny" | "allow" } {
if (protocol == null) {
try {
protocol = new URL(url).protocol;
} catch {
return { action: "deny" };
switch (protocol) {
case "http:":
case "https:":
if (Settings.store.openLinksWithElectron) {
return { action: "allow" };
// eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
case "mailto:":
case "spotify:":
if (isDeckGameMode) {
} else {
case "steam:":
if (isDeckGameMode) {
} else {
return { action: "deny" };
export function makeLinksOpenExternally(win: BrowserWindow) {
win.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(({ url, frameName, features }) => {
try {
var { protocol, hostname, pathname } = new URL(url);
} catch {
return { action: "deny" };
if (frameName.startsWith("DISCORD_") && pathname === "/popout" && DISCORD_HOSTNAMES.includes(hostname)) {
return createOrFocusPopup(frameName, features);
if (url === "about:blank" || (frameName === "authorize" && DISCORD_HOSTNAMES.includes(hostname)))
return { action: "allow" };
return handleExternalUrl(url, protocol);
win.webContents.on("did-create-window", (win, { frameName }) => {
if (frameName.startsWith("DISCORD_")) setupPopout(win, frameName);
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { BrowserWindow, BrowserWindowConstructorOptions } from "electron";
import { Settings } from "main/settings";
import { handleExternalUrl } from "./makeLinksOpenExternally";
const ALLOWED_FEATURES = new Set([
const MIN_POPOUT_WIDTH = 320;
const MIN_POPOUT_HEIGHT = 180;
const DEFAULT_POPOUT_OPTIONS: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions = {
title: "Discord Popout",
backgroundColor: "#2f3136",
frame: Settings.store.customTitleBar !== true,
titleBarStyle: process.platform === "darwin" ? "hidden" : undefined,
process.platform === "darwin"
? {
x: 10,
y: 3
: undefined,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: false,
contextIsolation: true
autoHideMenuBar: Settings.store.enableMenu
export const PopoutWindows = new Map<string, BrowserWindow>();
function focusWindow(window: BrowserWindow) {
function parseFeatureValue(feature: string) {
if (feature === "yes") return true;
if (feature === "no") return false;
const n = Number(feature);
if (!isNaN(n)) return n;
return feature;
function parseWindowFeatures(features: string) {
const keyValuesParsed = features.split(",");
return keyValuesParsed.reduce((features, feature) => {
const [key, value] = feature.split("=");
if (ALLOWED_FEATURES.has(key)) features[key] = parseFeatureValue(value);
return features;
}, {});
export function createOrFocusPopup(key: string, features: string) {
const existingWindow = PopoutWindows.get(key);
if (existingWindow) {
return <const>{ action: "deny" };
return <const>{
action: "allow",
overrideBrowserWindowOptions: {
export function setupPopout(win: BrowserWindow, key: string) {
PopoutWindows.set(key, win);
/* win.webContents.on("will-navigate", (evt, url) => {
// maybe prevent if not origin match
win.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(({ url }) => handleExternalUrl(url));
win.once("closed", () => {
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { BrowserWindow, dialog } from "electron";
import { writeFile } from "fs/promises";
import { join } from "path";
import { MessageBoxChoice } from "../constants";
import { State } from "../settings";
// Bump this to re-show the prompt
const layoutVersion = 2;
// Get this from "show details" on the profile after exporting as a shared personal layout or using share with community
const layoutId = "3080264545"; // Vesktop Layout v2
const numberRegex = /^[0-9]*$/;
let steamPipeQueue = Promise.resolve();
export const isDeckGameMode = process.env.SteamOS === "1" && process.env.SteamGamepadUI === "1";
export function applyDeckKeyboardFix() {
if (!isDeckGameMode) return;
// Prevent constant virtual keyboard spam that eventually crashes Steam.
process.env.GTK_IM_MODULE = "None";
// For some reason SteamAppId is always 0 for non-steam apps so we do this insanity instead.
function getAppId(): string | null {
// /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/shadercache/APPID/fozmediav1
const path = process.env.STEAM_COMPAT_MEDIA_PATH;
if (!path) return null;
const pathElems = path?.split("/");
const appId = pathElems[pathElems.length - 2];
if (appId.match(numberRegex)) {
console.log(`Got Steam App ID ${appId}`);
return appId;
return null;
export function execSteamURL(url: string) {
// This doesn't allow arbitrary execution despite the weird syntax.
steamPipeQueue = steamPipeQueue.then(() =>
join(process.env.HOME || "/home/deck", ".steam", "steam.pipe"),
// replace ' to prevent argument injection
`'${process.env.HOME}/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam' '-ifrunning' '${url.replaceAll("'", "%27")}'\n`,
export function steamOpenURL(url: string) {
export async function showGamePage() {
const appId = getAppId();
if (!appId) return;
await execSteamURL(`steam://nav/games/details/${appId}`);
async function showLayout(appId: string) {
export async function askToApplySteamLayout(win: BrowserWindow) {
const appId = getAppId();
if (!appId) return;
if (State.store.steamOSLayoutVersion === layoutVersion) return;
const update = Boolean(State.store.steamOSLayoutVersion);
// Touch screen breaks in some menus when native touch mode is enabled on latest SteamOS beta, remove most of the update specific text once that's fixed.
const { response } = await dialog.showMessageBox(win, {
message: `${update ? "Update" : "Apply"} Vesktop Steam Input Layout?`,
detail: `Would you like to ${update ? "Update" : "Apply"} Vesktop's recommended Steam Deck controller settings?
${update ? "Click yes using the touchpad" : "Tap yes"}, then press the X button or tap Apply Layout to confirm.${
update ? " Doing so will undo any customizations you have made." : ""
${update ? "Click" : "Tap"} no to keep your current layout.`,
buttons: ["Yes", "No"],
cancelId: MessageBoxChoice.Cancel,
defaultId: MessageBoxChoice.Default,
type: "question"
if (State.store.steamOSLayoutVersion !== layoutVersion) {
State.store.steamOSLayoutVersion = layoutVersion;
if (response === MessageBoxChoice.Cancel) return;
await showLayout(appId);
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { mkdirSync } from "fs";
import { access, constants as FsConstants } from "fs/promises";
import { join } from "path";
import { USER_AGENT, VENCORD_FILES_DIR } from "../constants";
import { downloadFile, fetchie } from "./http";
const API_BASE = "https://api.github.com";
export const FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = [
export interface ReleaseData {
name: string;
tag_name: string;
html_url: string;
assets: Array<{
name: string;
browser_download_url: string;
export async function githubGet(endpoint: string) {
const opts: RequestInit = {
headers: {
Accept: "application/vnd.github+json",
"User-Agent": USER_AGENT
if (process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN) (opts.headers! as any).Authorization = `Bearer ${process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN}`;
return fetchie(API_BASE + endpoint, opts, { retryOnNetworkError: true });
export async function downloadVencordFiles() {
const release = await githubGet("/repos/Vendicated/Vencord/releases/latest");
const { assets }: ReleaseData = await release.json();
await Promise.all(
.filter(({ name }) => FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.some(f => name.startsWith(f)))
.map(({ name, browser_download_url }) =>
downloadFile(browser_download_url, join(VENCORD_FILES_DIR, name), {}, { retryOnNetworkError: true })
const existsAsync = (path: string) =>
access(path, FsConstants.F_OK)
.then(() => true)
.catch(() => false);
export async function isValidVencordInstall(dir: string) {
return Promise.all(FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.map(f => existsAsync(join(dir, f)))).then(arr => !arr.includes(false));
export async function ensureVencordFiles() {
if (await isValidVencordInstall(VENCORD_FILES_DIR)) return;
mkdirSync(VENCORD_FILES_DIR, { recursive: true });
await downloadVencordFiles();
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import type { LinkData, Node, PatchBay as PatchBayType } from "@vencord/venmic";
import { app, ipcMain } from "electron";
import { join } from "path";
import { IpcEvents } from "shared/IpcEvents";
import { STATIC_DIR } from "shared/paths";
import { Settings } from "./settings";
let PatchBay: typeof PatchBayType | undefined;
let patchBayInstance: PatchBayType | undefined;
let imported = false;
let initialized = false;
let hasPipewirePulse = false;
let isGlibCxxOutdated = false;
function importVenmic() {
if (imported) {
imported = true;
try {
PatchBay = (require(join(STATIC_DIR, `dist/venmic-${process.arch}.node`)) as typeof import("@vencord/venmic"))
hasPipewirePulse = PatchBay.hasPipeWire();
} catch (e: any) {
console.error("Failed to import venmic", e);
isGlibCxxOutdated = (e?.stack || e?.message || "").toLowerCase().includes("glibc");
function obtainVenmic() {
if (!imported) {
if (PatchBay && !initialized) {
initialized = true;
try {
patchBayInstance = new PatchBay();
} catch (e: any) {
console.error("Failed to instantiate venmic", e);
return patchBayInstance;
function getRendererAudioServicePid() {
return (
.find(proc => proc.name === "Audio Service")
?.pid?.toString() ?? "owo"
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.VIRT_MIC_LIST, () => {
const audioPid = getRendererAudioServicePid();
const { granularSelect } = Settings.store.audio ?? {};
const targets = obtainVenmic()
?.list(granularSelect ? ["node.name"] : undefined)
.filter(s => s["application.process.id"] !== audioPid);
return targets ? { ok: true, targets, hasPipewirePulse } : { ok: false, isGlibCxxOutdated };
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.VIRT_MIC_START, (_, include: Node[]) => {
const pid = getRendererAudioServicePid();
const { ignoreDevices, ignoreInputMedia, ignoreVirtual, workaround } = Settings.store.audio ?? {};
const data: LinkData = {
exclude: [{ "application.process.id": pid }],
ignore_devices: ignoreDevices
if (ignoreInputMedia ?? true) {
data.exclude.push({ "media.class": "Stream/Input/Audio" });
if (ignoreVirtual) {
data.exclude.push({ "node.virtual": "true" });
if (workaround) {
data.workaround = [{ "application.process.id": pid, "media.name": "RecordStream" }];
return obtainVenmic()?.link(data);
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.VIRT_MIC_START_SYSTEM, (_, exclude: Node[]) => {
const pid = getRendererAudioServicePid();
const { workaround, ignoreDevices, ignoreInputMedia, ignoreVirtual, onlySpeakers, onlyDefaultSpeakers } =
Settings.store.audio ?? {};
const data: LinkData = {
include: [],
exclude: [{ "application.process.id": pid }, ...exclude],
only_speakers: onlySpeakers,
ignore_devices: ignoreDevices,
only_default_speakers: onlyDefaultSpeakers
if (ignoreInputMedia ?? true) {
data.exclude.push({ "media.class": "Stream/Input/Audio" });
if (ignoreVirtual) {
data.exclude.push({ "node.virtual": "true" });
if (workaround) {
data.workaround = [{ "application.process.id": pid, "media.name": "RecordStream" }];
return obtainVenmic()?.link(data);
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.VIRT_MIC_STOP, () => obtainVenmic()?.unlink());
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { Node } from "@vencord/venmic";
import { ipcRenderer } from "electron";
import type { Settings } from "shared/settings";
import { IpcEvents } from "../shared/IpcEvents";
import { invoke, sendSync } from "./typedIpc";
type SpellCheckerResultCallback = (word: string, suggestions: string[]) => void;
const spellCheckCallbacks = new Set<SpellCheckerResultCallback>();
ipcRenderer.on(IpcEvents.SPELLCHECK_RESULT, (_, w: string, s: string[]) => {
spellCheckCallbacks.forEach(cb => cb(w, s));
export const VesktopNative = {
app: {
relaunch: () => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.RELAUNCH),
getVersion: () => sendSync<void>(IpcEvents.GET_VERSION),
setBadgeCount: (count: number) => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.SET_BADGE_COUNT, count),
supportsWindowsTransparency: () => sendSync<boolean>(IpcEvents.SUPPORTS_WINDOWS_TRANSPARENCY)
autostart: {
isEnabled: () => sendSync<boolean>(IpcEvents.AUTOSTART_ENABLED),
enable: () => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.ENABLE_AUTOSTART),
disable: () => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.DISABLE_AUTOSTART)
fileManager: {
showItemInFolder: (path: string) => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.SHOW_ITEM_IN_FOLDER, path),
getVencordDir: () => sendSync<string | undefined>(IpcEvents.GET_VENCORD_DIR),
selectVencordDir: (value?: null) => invoke<"cancelled" | "invalid" | "ok">(IpcEvents.SELECT_VENCORD_DIR, value)
settings: {
get: () => sendSync<Settings>(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS),
set: (settings: Settings, path?: string) => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.SET_SETTINGS, settings, path)
spellcheck: {
getAvailableLanguages: () => sendSync<string[]>(IpcEvents.SPELLCHECK_GET_AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES),
onSpellcheckResult(cb: SpellCheckerResultCallback) {
offSpellcheckResult(cb: SpellCheckerResultCallback) {
replaceMisspelling: (word: string) => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.SPELLCHECK_REPLACE_MISSPELLING, word),
addToDictionary: (word: string) => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.SPELLCHECK_ADD_TO_DICTIONARY, word)
win: {
focus: () => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.FOCUS),
close: (key?: string) => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.CLOSE, key),
minimize: () => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.MINIMIZE),
maximize: () => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.MAXIMIZE)
capturer: {
getLargeThumbnail: (id: string) => invoke<string>(IpcEvents.CAPTURER_GET_LARGE_THUMBNAIL, id)
/** only available on Linux. */
virtmic: {
list: () =>
{ ok: false; isGlibCxxOutdated: boolean } | { ok: true; targets: Node[]; hasPipewirePulse: boolean }
start: (include: Node[]) => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.VIRT_MIC_START, include),
startSystem: (exclude: Node[]) => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.VIRT_MIC_START_SYSTEM, exclude),
stop: () => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.VIRT_MIC_STOP)
arrpc: {
onActivity(cb: (data: string) => void) {
ipcRenderer.on(IpcEvents.ARRPC_ACTIVITY, (_, data: string) => cb(data));
clipboard: {
copyImage: (imageBuffer: Uint8Array, imageSrc: string) =>
invoke<void>(IpcEvents.CLIPBOARD_COPY_IMAGE, imageBuffer, imageSrc)
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { contextBridge, ipcRenderer, webFrame } from "electron";
import { readFileSync, watch } from "fs";
import { IpcEvents } from "../shared/IpcEvents";
import { VesktopNative } from "./VesktopNative";
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("VesktopNative", VesktopNative);
// #region css
const rendererCss = ipcRenderer.sendSync(IpcEvents.GET_RENDERER_CSS_FILE);
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.id = "vcd-css-core";
style.textContent = readFileSync(rendererCss, "utf-8");
if (document.readyState === "complete") {
} else {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => document.documentElement.appendChild(style), {
once: true
if (IS_DEV) {
// persistent means keep process running if watcher is the only thing still running
// which we obviously don't want
watch(rendererCss, { persistent: false }, () => {
document.getElementById("vcd-css-core")!.textContent = readFileSync(rendererCss, "utf-8");
// #endregion
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { ipcRenderer } from "electron";
import { IpcEvents } from "shared/IpcEvents";
export function invoke<T = any>(event: IpcEvents, ...args: any[]) {
return ipcRenderer.invoke(event, ...args) as Promise<T>;
export function sendSync<T = any>(event: IpcEvents, ...args: any[]) {
return ipcRenderer.sendSync(event, ...args) as T;
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { filters, waitFor } from "@vencord/types/webpack";
import { RelationshipStore } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { Settings } from "./settings";
let GuildReadStateStore: any;
let NotificationSettingsStore: any;
export function setBadge() {
if (Settings.store.appBadge === false) return;
try {
const mentionCount = GuildReadStateStore.getTotalMentionCount();
const pendingRequests = RelationshipStore.getPendingCount();
const hasUnread = GuildReadStateStore.hasAnyUnread();
const disableUnreadBadge = NotificationSettingsStore.getDisableUnreadBadge();
let totalCount = mentionCount + pendingRequests;
if (!totalCount && hasUnread && !disableUnreadBadge) totalCount = -1;
} catch (e) {
let toFind = 3;
function waitForAndSubscribeToStore(name: string, cb?: (m: any) => void) {
waitFor(filters.byStoreName(name), store => {
if (toFind === 0) setBadge();
waitForAndSubscribeToStore("GuildReadStateStore", store => (GuildReadStateStore = store));
waitForAndSubscribeToStore("NotificationSettingsStore", store => (NotificationSettingsStore = store));
@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import "./screenSharePicker.css";
import { closeModal, Logger, Modals, ModalSize, openModal, useAwaiter } from "@vencord/types/utils";
import { findStoreLazy, onceReady } from "@vencord/types/webpack";
import {
} from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { Node } from "@vencord/venmic";
import type { Dispatch, SetStateAction } from "react";
import { addPatch } from "renderer/patches/shared";
import { useSettings } from "renderer/settings";
import { isLinux, isWindows } from "renderer/utils";
const StreamResolutions = ["480", "720", "1080", "1440"] as const;
const StreamFps = ["15", "30", "60"] as const;
const MediaEngineStore = findStoreLazy("MediaEngineStore");
export type StreamResolution = (typeof StreamResolutions)[number];
export type StreamFps = (typeof StreamFps)[number];
type SpecialSource = "None" | "Entire System";
type AudioSource = SpecialSource | Node;
type AudioSources = SpecialSource | Node[];
interface AudioItem {
name: string;
value: AudioSource;
interface StreamSettings {
resolution: StreamResolution;
fps: StreamFps;
audio: boolean;
contentHint?: string;
includeSources?: AudioSources;
excludeSources?: AudioSources;
export interface StreamPick extends StreamSettings {
id: string;
interface Source {
id: string;
name: string;
url: string;
export let currentSettings: StreamSettings | null = null;
const logger = new Logger("VesktopScreenShare");
patches: [
find: "this.localWant=",
replacement: {
match: /this.localWant=/,
replace: "$self.patchStreamQuality(this);$&"
patchStreamQuality(opts: any) {
if (!currentSettings) return;
const framerate = Number(currentSettings.fps);
const height = Number(currentSettings.resolution);
const width = Math.round(height * (16 / 9));
Object.assign(opts, {
bitrateMin: 500000,
bitrateMax: 8000000,
bitrateTarget: 600000
if (opts?.encode) {
Object.assign(opts.encode, {
pixelCount: height * width
Object.assign(opts.capture, {
pixelCount: height * width
if (isLinux) {
onceReady.then(() => {
FluxDispatcher.subscribe("STREAM_CLOSE", ({ streamKey }: { streamKey: string }) => {
const owner = streamKey.split(":").at(-1);
if (owner !== UserStore.getCurrentUser().id) {
export function openScreenSharePicker(screens: Source[], skipPicker: boolean) {
let didSubmit = false;
return new Promise<StreamPick>((resolve, reject) => {
const key = openModal(
props => (
submit={async v => {
didSubmit = true;
if (v.includeSources && v.includeSources !== "None") {
if (v.includeSources === "Entire System") {
await VesktopNative.virtmic.startSystem(
!v.excludeSources || isSpecialSource(v.excludeSources) ? [] : v.excludeSources
} else {
await VesktopNative.virtmic.start(v.includeSources);
close={() => {
if (!didSubmit) reject("Aborted");
onCloseRequest() {
function ScreenPicker({ screens, chooseScreen }: { screens: Source[]; chooseScreen: (id: string) => void }) {
return (
<div className="vcd-screen-picker-grid">
{screens.map(({ id, name, url }) => (
<label key={id}>
<input type="radio" name="screen" value={id} onChange={() => chooseScreen(id)} />
<img src={url} alt="" />
<Text variant="text-sm/normal">{name}</Text>
function AudioSettingsModal({
}: {
modalProps: any;
close: () => void;
setAudioSources: (s: AudioSources) => void;
}) {
const Settings = useSettings();
return (
<Modals.ModalRoot {...modalProps} size={ModalSize.MEDIUM}>
<Modals.ModalHeader className="vcd-screen-picker-header">
<Forms.FormTitle tag="h2">Venmic Settings</Forms.FormTitle>
<Modals.ModalCloseButton onClick={close} />
<Modals.ModalContent className="vcd-screen-picker-modal">
onChange={v => (Settings.audio = { ...Settings.audio, workaround: v })}
value={Settings.audio?.workaround ?? false}
Work around an issue that causes the microphone to be shared instead of the correct audio.
Only enable if you're experiencing this issue.
Microphone Workaround
onChange={v => (Settings.audio = { ...Settings.audio, onlySpeakers: v })}
value={Settings.audio?.onlySpeakers ?? true}
When sharing entire desktop audio, only share apps that play to a speaker. You may want to
disable this when using "mix bussing".
Only Speakers
onChange={v => (Settings.audio = { ...Settings.audio, onlyDefaultSpeakers: v })}
value={Settings.audio?.onlyDefaultSpeakers ?? true}
When sharing entire desktop audio, only share apps that play to the <b>default</b> speakers.
You may want to disable this when using "mix bussing".
Only Default Speakers
onChange={v => (Settings.audio = { ...Settings.audio, ignoreInputMedia: v })}
value={Settings.audio?.ignoreInputMedia ?? true}
note={<>Exclude nodes that are intended to capture audio.</>}
Ignore Inputs
onChange={v => (Settings.audio = { ...Settings.audio, ignoreVirtual: v })}
value={Settings.audio?.ignoreVirtual ?? false}
Exclude virtual nodes, such as nodes belonging to loopbacks. This might be useful when using
"mix bussing".
Ignore Virtual
onChange={v =>
(Settings.audio = {
ignoreDevices: v,
deviceSelect: v ? false : Settings.audio?.deviceSelect
value={Settings.audio?.ignoreDevices ?? true}
note={<>Exclude device nodes, such as nodes belonging to microphones or speakers.</>}
Ignore Devices
onChange={value => {
Settings.audio = { ...Settings.audio, granularSelect: value };
value={Settings.audio?.granularSelect ?? false}
note={<>Allow to select applications more granularly.</>}
Granular Selection
onChange={value => {
Settings.audio = { ...Settings.audio, deviceSelect: value };
value={Settings.audio?.deviceSelect ?? false}
Allow to select devices such as microphones. Requires <b>Ignore Devices</b> to be turned
Device Selection
<Modals.ModalFooter className="vcd-screen-picker-footer">
<Button color={Button.Colors.TRANSPARENT} onClick={close}>
function StreamSettings({
}: {
source: Source;
settings: StreamSettings;
setSettings: Dispatch<SetStateAction<StreamSettings>>;
skipPicker: boolean;
}) {
const Settings = useSettings();
const [thumb] = useAwaiter(
() => (skipPicker ? Promise.resolve(source.url) : VesktopNative.capturer.getLargeThumbnail(source.id)),
fallbackValue: source.url,
deps: [source.id]
const openSettings = () => {
const key = openModal(props => (
close={() => props.onClose()}
setAudioSources={sources =>
setSettings(s => ({ ...s, includeSources: sources, excludeSources: sources }))
return (
<Forms.FormTitle>What you're streaming</Forms.FormTitle>
<Card className="vcd-screen-picker-card vcd-screen-picker-preview">
className={isLinux ? "vcd-screen-picker-preview-img-linux" : "vcd-screen-picker-preview-img"}
<Text variant="text-sm/normal">{source.name}</Text>
<Forms.FormTitle>Stream Settings</Forms.FormTitle>
<Card className="vcd-screen-picker-card">
<div className="vcd-screen-picker-quality">
<div className="vcd-screen-picker-radios">
{StreamResolutions.map(res => (
<label className="vcd-screen-picker-radio" data-checked={settings.resolution === res}>
<Text variant="text-sm/bold">{res}</Text>
checked={settings.resolution === res}
onChange={() => setSettings(s => ({ ...s, resolution: res }))}
<Forms.FormTitle>Frame Rate</Forms.FormTitle>
<div className="vcd-screen-picker-radios">
{StreamFps.map(fps => (
<label className="vcd-screen-picker-radio" data-checked={settings.fps === fps}>
<Text variant="text-sm/bold">{fps}</Text>
checked={settings.fps === fps}
onChange={() => setSettings(s => ({ ...s, fps }))}
<div className="vcd-screen-picker-quality">
<Forms.FormTitle>Content Type</Forms.FormTitle>
<div className="vcd-screen-picker-radios">
data-checked={settings.contentHint === "motion"}
<Text variant="text-sm/bold">Prefer Smoothness</Text>
checked={settings.contentHint === "motion"}
onChange={() => setSettings(s => ({ ...s, contentHint: "motion" }))}
data-checked={settings.contentHint === "detail"}
<Text variant="text-sm/bold">Prefer Clarity</Text>
checked={settings.contentHint === "detail"}
onChange={() => setSettings(s => ({ ...s, contentHint: "detail" }))}
<div className="vcd-screen-picker-hint-description">
Choosing "Prefer Clarity" will result in a significantly lower framerate in exchange
for a much sharper and clearer image.
{isWindows && (
onChange={checked => setSettings(s => ({ ...s, audio: checked }))}
Stream With Audio
{isLinux && (
setIncludeSources={sources => setSettings(s => ({ ...s, includeSources: sources }))}
setExcludeSources={sources => setSettings(s => ({ ...s, excludeSources: sources }))}
function isSpecialSource(value?: AudioSource | AudioSources): value is SpecialSource {
return typeof value === "string";
function hasMatchingProps(value: Node, other: Node) {
return Object.keys(value).every(key => value[key] === other[key]);
function mapToAudioItem(node: AudioSource, granularSelect?: boolean, deviceSelect?: boolean): AudioItem[] {
if (isSpecialSource(node)) {
return [{ name: node, value: node }];
const rtn: AudioItem[] = [];
const mediaClass = node["media.class"];
if (mediaClass?.includes("Video") || mediaClass?.includes("Midi")) {
return rtn;
if (!deviceSelect && node["device.id"]) {
return rtn;
const name = node["application.name"];
if (name) {
rtn.push({ name: name, value: { "application.name": name } });
if (!granularSelect) {
return rtn;
const rawName = node["node.name"];
if (!name) {
rtn.push({ name: rawName, value: { "node.name": rawName } });
const binary = node["application.process.binary"];
if (!name && binary) {
rtn.push({ name: binary, value: { "application.process.binary": binary } });
const pid = node["application.process.id"];
const first = rtn[0];
const firstValues = first.value as Node;
if (pid) {
name: `${first.name} (${pid})`,
value: { ...firstValues, "application.process.id": pid }
const mediaName = node["media.name"];
if (mediaName) {
name: `${first.name} [${mediaName}]`,
value: { ...firstValues, "media.name": mediaName }
if (mediaClass) {
name: `${first.name} [${mediaClass}]`,
value: { ...firstValues, "media.class": mediaClass }
return rtn;
function isItemSelected(sources?: AudioSources) {
return (value: AudioSource) => {
if (!sources) {
return false;
if (isSpecialSource(sources) || isSpecialSource(value)) {
return sources === value;
return sources.some(source => hasMatchingProps(source, value));
function updateItems(setSources: (s: AudioSources) => void, sources?: AudioSources) {
return (value: AudioSource) => {
if (isSpecialSource(value)) {
if (isSpecialSource(sources)) {
if (isItemSelected(sources)(value)) {
setSources(sources?.filter(x => !hasMatchingProps(x, value)) ?? "None");
setSources([...(sources || []), value]);
function AudioSourcePickerLinux({
}: {
includeSources?: AudioSources;
excludeSources?: AudioSources;
deviceSelect?: boolean;
granularSelect?: boolean;
openSettings: () => void;
setIncludeSources: (s: AudioSources) => void;
setExcludeSources: (s: AudioSources) => void;
}) {
const [sources, _, loading] = useAwaiter(() => VesktopNative.virtmic.list(), {
fallbackValue: { ok: true, targets: [], hasPipewirePulse: true }
const hasPipewirePulse = sources.ok ? sources.hasPipewirePulse : true;
const [ignorePulseWarning, setIgnorePulseWarning] = useState(false);
if (!sources.ok && sources.isGlibCxxOutdated) {
return (
Failed to retrieve Audio Sources because your C++ library is too old to run
<a href="https://github.com/Vencord/venmic" target="_blank">
. See{" "}
<a href="https://gist.github.com/Vendicated/b655044ffbb16b2716095a448c6d827a" target="_blank">
this guide
</a>{" "}
for possible solutions.
if (!hasPipewirePulse && !ignorePulseWarning) {
return (
<Text variant="text-sm/normal">
Could not find pipewire-pulse. See{" "}
<a href="https://gist.github.com/the-spyke/2de98b22ff4f978ebf0650c90e82027e#install" target="_blank">
this guide
</a>{" "}
on how to switch to pipewire. <br />
You can still continue, however, please{" "}
<b>beware that you can only share audio of apps that are running under pipewire</b>.{" "}
<a onClick={() => setIgnorePulseWarning(true)}>I know what I'm doing!</a>
const specialSources: SpecialSource[] = ["None", "Entire System"] as const;
const uniqueName = (value: AudioItem, index: number, list: AudioItem[]) =>
list.findIndex(x => x.name === value.name) === index;
const allSources = sources.ok
? [...specialSources, ...sources.targets]
.map(target => mapToAudioItem(target, granularSelect, deviceSelect))
: [];
return (
<div className={includeSources === "Entire System" ? "vcd-screen-picker-quality" : undefined}>
<Forms.FormTitle>{loading ? "Loading Sources..." : "Audio Sources"}</Forms.FormTitle>
options={allSources.map(({ name, value }) => ({
label: name,
value: value,
default: name === "None"
select={updateItems(setIncludeSources, includeSources)}
{includeSources === "Entire System" && (
<Forms.FormTitle>Exclude Sources</Forms.FormTitle>
.filter(x => x.name !== "Entire System")
.map(({ name, value }) => ({
label: name,
value: value,
default: name === "None"
select={updateItems(setExcludeSources, excludeSources)}
Open Audio Settings
function ModalComponent({
}: {
screens: Source[];
modalProps: any;
submit: (data: StreamPick) => void;
close: () => void;
skipPicker: boolean;
}) {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState<string | undefined>(skipPicker ? screens[0].id : void 0);
const [settings, setSettings] = useState<StreamSettings>({
resolution: "720",
fps: "30",
contentHint: "motion",
audio: true,
includeSources: "None"
return (
<Modals.ModalRoot {...modalProps} size={ModalSize.MEDIUM}>
<Modals.ModalHeader className="vcd-screen-picker-header">
<Forms.FormTitle tag="h2">ScreenShare</Forms.FormTitle>
<Modals.ModalCloseButton onClick={close} />
<Modals.ModalContent className="vcd-screen-picker-modal">
{!selected ? (
<ScreenPicker screens={screens} chooseScreen={setSelected} />
) : (
source={screens.find(s => s.id === selected)!}
<Modals.ModalFooter className="vcd-screen-picker-footer">
onClick={() => {
currentSettings = settings;
try {
const frameRate = Number(settings.fps);
const height = Number(settings.resolution);
const width = Math.round(height * (16 / 9));
const conn = [...MediaEngineStore.getMediaEngine().connections].find(
connection => connection.streamUserId === UserStore.getCurrentUser().id
if (conn) {
conn.videoStreamParameters[0].maxFrameRate = frameRate;
conn.videoStreamParameters[0].maxResolution.height = height;
conn.videoStreamParameters[0].maxResolution.width = width;
id: selected!,
setTimeout(async () => {
const conn = [...MediaEngineStore.getMediaEngine().connections].find(
connection => connection.streamUserId === UserStore.getCurrentUser().id
if (!conn) return;
const track = conn.input.stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
const constraints = {
frameRate: { min: frameRate, ideal: frameRate },
width: { min: 640, ideal: width, max: width },
height: { min: 480, ideal: height, max: height },
advanced: [{ width: width, height: height }],
resizeMode: "none"
try {
await track.applyConstraints(constraints);
"Applied constraints successfully. New constraints:",
} catch (e) {
logger.error("Failed to apply constraints.", e);
}, 100);
} catch (error) {
logger.error("Error while submitting stream.", error);
Go Live
{selected && !skipPicker ? (
<Button color={Button.Colors.TRANSPARENT} onClick={() => setSelected(void 0)}>
) : (
<Button color={Button.Colors.TRANSPARENT} onClick={close}>
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
export * as ScreenShare from "./ScreenSharePicker";
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
.vcd-screen-picker-modal {
padding: 1em;
.vcd-screen-picker-header h1 {
margin: 0;
.vcd-screen-picker-footer {
display: flex;
gap: 1em;
.vcd-screen-picker-card {
flex-grow: 1;
.vcd-screen-picker-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
gap: 2em 1em;
.vcd-screen-picker-grid input {
appearance: none;
cursor: pointer;
.vcd-screen-picker-selected img {
border: 2px solid var(--brand-500);
border-radius: 3px;
.vcd-screen-picker-grid label {
overflow: hidden;
padding: 8px;
cursor: pointer;
display: grid;
justify-items: center;
.vcd-screen-picker-grid label:hover {
outline: 2px solid var(--brand-500);
.vcd-screen-picker-grid div {
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
text-align: center;
font-weight: 600;
margin-inline: 0.5em;
.vcd-screen-picker-card {
padding: 0.5em;
box-sizing: border-box;
.vcd-screen-picker-preview-img-linux {
width: 60%;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
.vcd-screen-picker-preview-img {
width: 90%;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
.vcd-screen-picker-preview {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 1em;
.vcd-screen-picker-radio input {
display: none;
.vcd-screen-picker-radio {
background-color: var(--background-secondary);
border: 1px solid var(--primary-800);
padding: 0.3em;
cursor: pointer;
.vcd-screen-picker-radio h2 {
margin: 0;
.vcd-screen-picker-radio[data-checked="true"] {
background-color: var(--brand-500);
border-color: var(--brand-500);
.vcd-screen-picker-radio[data-checked="true"] h2 {
color: var(--interactive-active);
.vcd-screen-picker-quality {
display: flex;
gap: 1em;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
.vcd-screen-picker-quality section {
flex: 1 1 auto;
.vcd-screen-picker-settings-button {
margin-left: auto;
margin-top: 0.3rem;
.vcd-screen-picker-radios {
display: flex;
width: 100%;
border-radius: 3px;
.vcd-screen-picker-radios label {
flex: 1 1 auto;
text-align: center;
.vcd-screen-picker-radios label:first-child {
border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px;
.vcd-screen-picker-radios label:last-child {
border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0;
.vcd-screen-picker-audio {
margin-bottom: 0;
.vcd-screen-picker-hint-description {
color: var(--header-secondary);
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 20px;
font-weight: 400;
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { Switch, useState } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { SettingsComponent } from "./Settings";
export const AutoStartToggle: SettingsComponent = () => {
const [autoStartEnabled, setAutoStartEnabled] = useState(VesktopNative.autostart.isEnabled());
return (
onChange={async v => {
await VesktopNative.autostart[v ? "enable" : "disable"]();
note="Automatically start Vesktop on computer start-up"
Start With System
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { Select } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { SettingsComponent } from "./Settings";
export const DiscordBranchPicker: SettingsComponent = ({ settings }) => {
return (
{ label: "Stable", value: "stable", default: true },
{ label: "Canary", value: "canary" },
{ label: "PTB", value: "ptb" }
select={v => (settings.discordBranch = v)}
isSelected={v => v === settings.discordBranch}
serialize={s => s}
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { Switch } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { setBadge } from "renderer/appBadge";
import { SettingsComponent } from "./Settings";
export const NotificationBadgeToggle: SettingsComponent = ({ settings }) => {
return (
value={settings.appBadge ?? true}
onChange={v => {
settings.appBadge = v;
if (v) setBadge();
else VesktopNative.app.setBadgeCount(0);
note="Show mention badge on the app icon"
Notification Badge
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import "./settings.css";
import { Forms, Switch, Text } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { ComponentType } from "react";
import { Settings, useSettings } from "renderer/settings";
import { isMac, isWindows } from "renderer/utils";
import { AutoStartToggle } from "./AutoStartToggle";
import { DiscordBranchPicker } from "./DiscordBranchPicker";
import { NotificationBadgeToggle } from "./NotificationBadgeToggle";
import { VencordLocationPicker } from "./VencordLocationPicker";
import { WindowsTransparencyControls } from "./WindowsTransparencyControls";
interface BooleanSetting {
key: keyof typeof Settings.store;
title: string;
description: string;
defaultValue: boolean;
disabled?(): boolean;
invisible?(): boolean;
export type SettingsComponent = ComponentType<{ settings: typeof Settings.store }>;
const SettingsOptions: Record<string, Array<BooleanSetting | SettingsComponent>> = {
"Discord Branch": [DiscordBranchPicker],
"System Startup & Performance": [
key: "hardwareAcceleration",
title: "Hardware Acceleration",
description: "Enable hardware acceleration",
defaultValue: true
"User Interface": [
key: "customTitleBar",
title: "Discord Titlebar",
description: "Use Discord's custom title bar instead of the native system one. Requires a full restart.",
defaultValue: isWindows
key: "staticTitle",
title: "Static Title",
description: 'Makes the window title "Vesktop" instead of changing to the current page',
defaultValue: false
key: "enableMenu",
title: "Enable Menu Bar",
description: "Enables the application menu bar. Press ALT to toggle visibility.",
defaultValue: false,
disabled: () => Settings.store.customTitleBar ?? isWindows
key: "splashTheming",
title: "Splash theming",
description: "Adapt the splash window colors to your custom theme",
defaultValue: false
Behaviour: [
key: "tray",
title: "Tray Icon",
description: "Add a tray icon for Vesktop",
defaultValue: true,
invisible: () => isMac
key: "minimizeToTray",
title: "Minimize to tray",
description: "Hitting X will make Vesktop minimize to the tray instead of closing",
defaultValue: true,
invisible: () => isMac,
disabled: () => Settings.store.tray === false
key: "clickTrayToShowHide",
title: "Hide/Show on tray click",
description: "Left clicking tray icon will toggle the vesktop window visibility.",
defaultValue: false
key: "disableMinSize",
title: "Disable minimum window size",
description: "Allows you to make the window as small as your heart desires",
defaultValue: false
key: "disableSmoothScroll",
title: "Disable smooth scrolling",
description: "Disables smooth scrolling",
defaultValue: false
"Notifications & Updates": [
key: "checkUpdates",
title: "Check for updates",
description: "Automatically check for Vesktop updates",
defaultValue: true
Miscellaneous: [
key: "arRPC",
title: "Rich Presence",
description: "Enables Rich Presence via arRPC",
defaultValue: false
key: "openLinksWithElectron",
title: "Open Links in app (experimental)",
description: "Opens links in a new Vesktop window instead of your web browser",
defaultValue: false
"Vencord Location": [VencordLocationPicker]
function SettingsSections() {
const Settings = useSettings();
const sections = Object.entries(SettingsOptions).map(([title, settings]) => (
{settings.map(Setting => {
if (typeof Setting === "function") return <Setting settings={Settings} />;
const { defaultValue, title, description, key, disabled, invisible } = Setting;
if (invisible?.()) return null;
return (
value={Settings[key as any] ?? defaultValue}
onChange={v => (Settings[key as any] = v)}
return <>{sections}</>;
export default function SettingsUi() {
return (
<Text variant="heading-lg/semibold" style={{ color: "var(--header-primary)" }} tag="h2">
Vesktop Settings
<SettingsSections />
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { useForceUpdater } from "@vencord/types/utils";
import { Button, Forms, Toasts } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { SettingsComponent } from "./Settings";
export const VencordLocationPicker: SettingsComponent = ({ settings }) => {
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdater();
const vencordDir = VesktopNative.fileManager.getVencordDir();
return (
Vencord files are loaded from{" "}
{vencordDir ? (
onClick={e => {
) : (
"the default location"
<div className="vcd-location-btns">
onClick={async () => {
const choice = await VesktopNative.fileManager.selectVencordDir();
switch (choice) {
case "cancelled":
case "ok":
message: "Vencord install changed. Fully restart Vesktop to apply.",
id: Toasts.genId(),
type: Toasts.Type.SUCCESS
case "invalid":
"You did not choose a valid Vencord install. Make sure you're selecting the dist dir!",
id: Toasts.genId(),
type: Toasts.Type.FAILURE
onClick={async () => {
await VesktopNative.fileManager.selectVencordDir(null);
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { Margins } from "@vencord/types/utils";
import { Forms, Select } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { SettingsComponent } from "./Settings";
export const WindowsTransparencyControls: SettingsComponent = ({ settings }) => {
if (!VesktopNative.app.supportsWindowsTransparency()) return null;
return (
<Forms.FormTitle className={Margins.top16 + " " + Margins.bottom8}>Transparency Options</Forms.FormTitle>
<Forms.FormText className={Margins.bottom8}>
Requires a full restart. You will need a theme that supports transparency for this to work.
label: "None",
value: "none",
default: true
label: "Mica (incorporates system theme + desktop wallpaper to paint the background)",
value: "mica"
{ label: "Tabbed (variant of Mica with stronger background tinting)", value: "tabbed" },
label: "Acrylic (blurs the window behind Vesktop for a translucent background)",
value: "acrylic"
select={v => (settings.transparencyOption = v)}
isSelected={v => v === settings.transparencyOption}
serialize={s => s}
<Forms.FormDivider className={Margins.top16 + " " + Margins.bottom16} />
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.vcd-location-btns {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
gap: 0.5em;
margin-top: 0.5em;
.vcd-settings-section {
margin-top: 1.5rem;
.vcd-settings-title {
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/* Download Desktop button in guilds list */
[class^=listItem_]:has(+ [class^=listItem_] [data-list-item-id=guildsnav___app-download-button]) {
display: none;
/* FIXME: remove this once Discord fixes their css to not explode scrollbars on chromium >=121 */
* {
scrollbar-width: unset !important;
scrollbar-color: unset !important;
/* Workaround for making things in the draggable area clickable again on macOS */
.platform-osx [class*=topic_], .platform-osx [class*=notice_] button {
-webkit-app-region: no-drag;
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import "./fixes.css";
import { isWindows, localStorage } from "./utils";
// Make clicking Notifications focus the window
const originalSetOnClick = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Notification.prototype, "onclick")!.set!;
Object.defineProperty(Notification.prototype, "onclick", {
set(onClick) {
originalSetOnClick.call(this, function (this: unknown) {
onClick.apply(this, arguments);
configurable: true
// Hide "Download Discord Desktop now!!!!" banner
localStorage.setItem("hideNag", "true");
// FIXME: Remove eventually.
// Originally, Vencord always used a Windows user agent. This seems to cause captchas
// Now, we use a platform specific UA - HOWEVER, discord FOR SOME REASON????? caches
// device props in localStorage. This code fixes their cache to properly update the platform in SuperProps
if (!isWindows)
try {
const deviceProperties = localStorage.getItem("deviceProperties");
if (deviceProperties && JSON.parse(deviceProperties).os === "Windows")
} catch {}
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import "./fixes";
import "./appBadge";
import "./patches";
import "./themedSplash";
console.log("read if cute :3");
export * as Components from "./components";
import { findByPropsLazy, onceReady } from "@vencord/types/webpack";
import { Alerts, FluxDispatcher } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import SettingsUi from "./components/settings/Settings";
import { Settings } from "./settings";
export { Settings };
const InviteActions = findByPropsLazy("resolveInvite");
export async function openInviteModal(code: string) {
const { invite } = await InviteActions.resolveInvite(code, "Desktop Modal");
if (!invite) return false;
context: "APP"
return true;
const customSettingsSections = (
Vencord.Plugins.plugins.Settings as any as { customSections: ((ID: Record<string, unknown>) => any)[] }
customSettingsSections.push(() => ({
section: "Vesktop",
label: "Vesktop Settings",
element: SettingsUi,
className: "vc-vesktop-settings"
const arRPC = Vencord.Plugins.plugins["WebRichPresence (arRPC)"] as any as {
handleEvent(e: MessageEvent): void;
VesktopNative.arrpc.onActivity(async data => {
if (!Settings.store.arRPC) return;
await onceReady;
arRPC.handleEvent(new MessageEvent("message", { data }));
// TODO: remove soon
const vencordDir = "vencordDir" as keyof typeof Settings.store;
if (Settings.store[vencordDir]) {
onceReady.then(() =>
() =>
title: "Custom Vencord Location",
body: "Due to security hardening changes in Vesktop, your custom Vencord location had to be reset. Please configure it again in the settings.",
onConfirm: () => delete Settings.store[vencordDir]
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { addPatch } from "./shared";
patches: [
find: '"NotificationSettingsStore',
replacement: {
// FIXME: fix eslint rule
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
match: /\.isPlatformEmbedded(?=\?\i\.\i\.ALL)/g,
replace: "$&||true"
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { addPatch } from "./shared";
patches: [
find: "lastOutputSystemDevice.justChanged",
replacement: {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
match: /(\i)\.\i\.getState\(\).neverShowModal/,
replace: "$& || $self.shouldIgnore($1)"
shouldIgnore(state: any) {
return Object.keys(state?.default?.lastDeviceConnected ?? {})?.[0] === "vencord-screen-share";
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { addPatch } from "./shared";
patches: [
find: 'setSinkId"in',
replacement: {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
match: /return (\i)\?navigator\.mediaDevices\.enumerateDevices/,
replace: "return $1 ? $self.filteredDevices"
async filteredDevices() {
const original = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
return original.filter(x => x.label !== "vencord-screen-share");
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
// TODO: Possibly auto generate glob if we have more patches in the future
import "./enableNotificationsByDefault";
import "./platformClass";
import "./hideSwitchDevice";
import "./hideVenmicInput";
import "./screenShareFixes";
import "./spellCheck";
import "./windowsTitleBar";
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { Settings } from "renderer/settings";
import { isMac } from "renderer/utils";
import { addPatch } from "./shared";
patches: [
find: "platform-web",
replacement: {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
match: /(?<=" platform-overlay"\):)\i/,
replace: "$self.getPlatformClass()"
getPlatformClass() {
if (Settings.store.customTitleBar) return "platform-win";
if (isMac) return "platform-osx";
return "platform-web";
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { Logger } from "@vencord/types/utils";
import { currentSettings } from "renderer/components/ScreenSharePicker";
import { isLinux } from "renderer/utils";
const logger = new Logger("VesktopStreamFixes");
if (isLinux) {
const original = navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia;
async function getVirtmic() {
try {
const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
const audioDevice = devices.find(({ label }) => label === "vencord-screen-share");
return audioDevice?.deviceId;
} catch (error) {
return null;
navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia = async function (opts) {
const stream = await original.call(this, opts);
const id = await getVirtmic();
const frameRate = Number(currentSettings?.fps);
const height = Number(currentSettings?.resolution);
const width = Math.round(height * (16 / 9));
const track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
track.contentHint = String(currentSettings?.contentHint);
const constraints = {
frameRate: { min: frameRate, ideal: frameRate },
width: { min: 640, ideal: width, max: width },
height: { min: 480, ideal: height, max: height },
advanced: [{ width: width, height: height }],
resizeMode: "none"
.then(() => {
logger.info("Applied constraints successfully. New constraints: ", track.getConstraints());
.catch(e => logger.error("Failed to apply constraints.", e));
if (id) {
const audio = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
audio: {
deviceId: {
exact: id
autoGainControl: false,
echoCancellation: false,
noiseSuppression: false
audio.getAudioTracks().forEach(t => stream.addTrack(t));
return stream;
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { Patch } from "@vencord/types/utils/types";
window.VCDP = {};
interface PatchData {
patches: Omit<Patch, "plugin">[];
[key: string]: any;
export function addPatch<P extends PatchData>(p: P) {
const { patches, ...globals } = p;
for (const patch of patches as Patch[]) {
if (!Array.isArray(patch.replacement)) patch.replacement = [patch.replacement];
for (const r of patch.replacement) {
if (typeof r.replace === "string") r.replace = r.replace.replaceAll("$self", "VCDP");
patch.plugin = "Vesktop";
Object.assign(VCDP, globals);
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { addContextMenuPatch } from "@vencord/types/api/ContextMenu";
import { findStoreLazy } from "@vencord/types/webpack";
import { FluxDispatcher, Menu, useMemo, useStateFromStores } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { useSettings } from "renderer/settings";
import { addPatch } from "./shared";
let word: string;
let corrections: string[];
const SpellCheckStore = findStoreLazy("SpellcheckStore");
// Make spellcheck suggestions work
patches: [
find: ".enableSpellCheck)",
replacement: {
// if (isDesktop) { DiscordNative.onSpellcheck(openMenu(props)) } else { e.preventDefault(); openMenu(props) }
match: /else (.{1,3})\.preventDefault\(\),(.{1,3}\(.{1,3}\))(?<=:(.{1,3})\.enableSpellCheck\).+?)/,
// ... else { $self.onSlateContext(() => openMenu(props)) }
replace: "else {$self.onSlateContext($1, $3?.enableSpellCheck, () => $2)}"
onSlateContext(e: MouseEvent, hasSpellcheck: boolean | undefined, openMenu: () => void) {
if (!hasSpellcheck) {
const cb = (w: string, c: string[]) => {
word = w;
corrections = c;
addContextMenuPatch("textarea-context", children => {
const spellCheckEnabled = useStateFromStores([SpellCheckStore], () => SpellCheckStore.isEnabled());
const hasCorrections = Boolean(word && corrections?.length);
const availableLanguages = useMemo(VesktopNative.spellcheck.getAvailableLanguages, []);
const settings = useSettings();
const spellCheckLanguages = (settings.spellCheckLanguages ??= [...new Set(navigator.languages)]);
const pasteSectionIndex = children.findIndex(c => c?.props?.children?.some(c => c?.props?.id === "paste"));
pasteSectionIndex === -1 ? children.length : pasteSectionIndex,
{hasCorrections && (
{corrections.map(c => (
id={"vcd-spellcheck-suggestion-" + c}
action={() => VesktopNative.spellcheck.replaceMisspelling(c)}
<Menu.MenuSeparator />
label={`Add ${word} to dictionary`}
action={() => VesktopNative.spellcheck.addToDictionary(word)}
<Menu.MenuItem id="vcd-spellcheck-settings" label="Spellcheck Settings">
label="Enable Spellcheck"
action={() => {
FluxDispatcher.dispatch({ type: "SPELLCHECK_TOGGLE" });
<Menu.MenuItem id="vcd-spellcheck-languages" label="Languages" disabled={!spellCheckEnabled}>
{availableLanguages.map(lang => {
const isEnabled = spellCheckLanguages.includes(lang);
return (
id={"vcd-spellcheck-lang-" + lang}
disabled={!isEnabled && spellCheckLanguages.length >= 5}
action={() => {
const newSpellCheckLanguages = spellCheckLanguages.filter(l => l !== lang);
if (newSpellCheckLanguages.length === spellCheckLanguages.length) {
settings.spellCheckLanguages = newSpellCheckLanguages;
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { Settings } from "renderer/settings";
import { addPatch } from "./shared";
if (Settings.store.customTitleBar)
patches: [
find: ".wordmarkWindows",
replacement: [
// TODO: Fix eslint rule
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
match: /case \i\.\i\.WINDOWS:/,
replace: 'case "WEB":'
...["close", "minimize", "maximize"].map(op => ({
match: new RegExp(String.raw`\i\.\i\.${op}\b`),
replace: `VesktopNative.win.${op}`
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { useEffect, useReducer } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { SettingsStore } from "shared/utils/SettingsStore";
export const Settings = new SettingsStore(VesktopNative.settings.get());
Settings.addGlobalChangeListener((o, p) => VesktopNative.settings.set(o, p));
export function useSettings() {
const [, update] = useReducer(x => x + 1, 0);
useEffect(() => {
return () => Settings.removeGlobalChangeListener(update);
}, []);
return Settings.store;
export function getValueAndOnChange(key: keyof typeof Settings.store) {
return {
value: Settings.store[key] as any,
onChange: (value: any) => (Settings.store[key] = value)
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { Settings } from "./settings";
function isValidColor(color: CSSStyleValue | undefined): color is CSSUnparsedValue & { [0]: string } {
return color instanceof CSSUnparsedValue && typeof color[0] === "string" && CSS.supports("color", color[0]);
function resolveColor(color: string) {
const span = document.createElement("span");
span.style.color = color;
span.style.display = "none";
const rgbColor = getComputedStyle(span).color;
return rgbColor;
const updateSplashColors = () => {
const bodyStyles = document.body.computedStyleMap();
const color = bodyStyles.get("--text-normal");
const backgroundColor = bodyStyles.get("--background-primary");
if (isValidColor(color)) {
Settings.store.splashColor = resolveColor(color[0]);
if (isValidColor(backgroundColor)) {
Settings.store.splashBackground = resolveColor(backgroundColor[0]);
if (document.readyState === "complete") {
} else {
window.addEventListener("load", updateSplashColors);
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", updateSplashColors);
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
export const { localStorage } = window;
export const isFirstRun = (() => {
const key = "VCD_FIRST_RUN";
if (localStorage.getItem(key) !== null) return false;
localStorage.setItem(key, "false");
return true;
const { platform } = navigator;
export const isWindows = platform.startsWith("Win");
export const isMac = platform.startsWith("Mac");
export const isLinux = platform.startsWith("Linux");
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
export const enum IpcEvents {
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import type { BrowserWindowConstructorOptions } from "electron";
export const SplashProps: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions = {
transparent: true,
frame: false,
height: 350,
width: 300,
center: true,
resizable: false,
maximizable: false,
alwaysOnTop: true
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { join } from "path";
export const STATIC_DIR = /* @__PURE__ */ join(__dirname, "..", "..", "static");
export const VIEW_DIR = /* @__PURE__ */ join(STATIC_DIR, "views");
export const BADGE_DIR = /* @__PURE__ */ join(STATIC_DIR, "badges");
export const ICON_PATH = /* @__PURE__ */ join(STATIC_DIR, "icon.png");
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import type { Rectangle } from "electron";
export interface Settings {
discordBranch?: "stable" | "canary" | "ptb";
transparencyOption?: "none" | "mica" | "tabbed" | "acrylic";
tray?: boolean;
minimizeToTray?: boolean;
openLinksWithElectron?: boolean;
staticTitle?: boolean;
enableMenu?: boolean;
disableSmoothScroll?: boolean;
hardwareAcceleration?: boolean;
arRPC?: boolean;
appBadge?: boolean;
disableMinSize?: boolean;
clickTrayToShowHide?: boolean;
customTitleBar?: boolean;
checkUpdates?: boolean;
splashTheming?: boolean;
splashColor?: string;
splashBackground?: string;
spellCheckLanguages?: string[];
audio?: {
workaround?: boolean;
deviceSelect?: boolean;
granularSelect?: boolean;
ignoreVirtual?: boolean;
ignoreDevices?: boolean;
ignoreInputMedia?: boolean;
onlySpeakers?: boolean;
onlyDefaultSpeakers?: boolean;
export interface State {
maximized?: boolean;
minimized?: boolean;
windowBounds?: Rectangle;
displayid: int;
skippedUpdate?: string;
firstLaunch?: boolean;
steamOSLayoutVersion?: number;
vencordDir?: string;
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
import { LiteralUnion } from "type-fest";
// Resolves a possibly nested prop in the form of "some.nested.prop" to type of T.some.nested.prop
type ResolvePropDeep<T, P> = P extends `${infer Pre}.${infer Suf}`
? Pre extends keyof T
? ResolvePropDeep<T[Pre], Suf>
: any
: P extends keyof T
? T[P]
: any;
* The SettingsStore allows you to easily create a mutable store that
* has support for global and path-based change listeners.
export class SettingsStore<T extends object> {
private pathListeners = new Map<string, Set<(newData: any) => void>>();
private globalListeners = new Set<(newData: T, path: string) => void>();
* The store object. Making changes to this object will trigger the applicable change listeners
declare public store: T;
* The plain data. Changes to this object will not trigger any change listeners
declare public plain: T;
public constructor(plain: T) {
this.plain = plain;
this.store = this.makeProxy(plain);
private makeProxy(object: any, root: T = object, path: string = "") {
const self = this;
return new Proxy(object, {
get(target, key: string) {
const v = target[key];
if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null && !Array.isArray(v))
return self.makeProxy(v, root, `${path}${path && "."}${key}`);
return v;
set(target, key: string, value) {
if (target[key] === value) return true;
Reflect.set(target, key, value);
const setPath = `${path}${path && "."}${key}`;
self.globalListeners.forEach(cb => cb(root, setPath));
self.pathListeners.get(setPath)?.forEach(cb => cb(value));
return true;
deleteProperty(target, key: string) {
if (!(key in target)) return true;
const res = Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key);
if (!res) return false;
const setPath = `${path}${path && "."}${key}`;
self.globalListeners.forEach(cb => cb(root, setPath));
self.pathListeners.get(setPath)?.forEach(cb => cb(undefined));
return res;
* Set the data of the store.
* This will update this.store and this.plain (and old references to them will be stale! Avoid storing them in variables)
* Additionally, all global listeners (and those for pathToNotify, if specified) will be called with the new data
* @param value New data
* @param pathToNotify Optional path to notify instead of globally. Used to transfer path via ipc
public setData(value: T, pathToNotify?: string) {
this.plain = value;
this.store = this.makeProxy(value);
if (pathToNotify) {
let v = value;
const path = pathToNotify.split(".");
for (const p of path) {
if (!v) {
`Settings#setData: Path ${pathToNotify} does not exist in new data. Not dispatching update`
v = v[p];
this.pathListeners.get(pathToNotify)?.forEach(cb => cb(v));
this.globalListeners.forEach(cb => cb(value, ""));
* Add a global change listener, that will fire whenever any setting is changed
public addGlobalChangeListener(cb: (data: T, path: string) => void) {
* Add a scoped change listener that will fire whenever a setting matching the specified path is changed.
* For example if path is `"foo.bar"`, the listener will fire on
* ```js
* Setting.store.foo.bar = "hi"
* ```
* but not on
* ```js
* Setting.store.foo.baz = "hi"
* ```
* @param path
* @param cb
public addChangeListener<P extends LiteralUnion<keyof T, string>>(
path: P,
cb: (data: ResolvePropDeep<T, P>) => void
) {
const listeners = this.pathListeners.get(path as string) ?? new Set();
this.pathListeners.set(path as string, listeners);
* Remove a global listener
* @see {@link addGlobalChangeListener}
public removeGlobalChangeListener(cb: (data: T, path: string) => void) {
* Remove a scoped listener
* @see {@link addChangeListener}
public removeChangeListener(path: LiteralUnion<keyof T, string>, cb: (data: any) => void) {
const listeners = this.pathListeners.get(path as string);
if (!listeners) return;
if (!listeners.size) this.pathListeners.delete(path as string);
* Call all global change listeners
public markAsChanged() {
this.globalListeners.forEach(cb => cb(this.plain, ""));
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
* Returns a new function that will only be called after the given delay.
* Subsequent calls will cancel the previous timeout and start a new one from 0
* Useful for grouping multiple calls into one
export function debounce<T extends Function>(func: T, delay = 300): T {
let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout;
return function (...args: any[]) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, delay);
} as any;
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
export function isTruthy<T>(item: T): item is Exclude<T, 0 | "" | false | null | undefined> {
return Boolean(item);
export function isNonNullish<T>(item: T): item is Exclude<T, null | undefined> {
return item != null;
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
* Wraps the given function so that it can only be called once
* @param fn Function to wrap
* @returns New function that can only be called once
export function once<T extends Function>(fn: T): T {
let called = false;
return function (this: any, ...args: any[]) {
if (called) return;
called = true;
return fn.apply(this, args);
} as any;
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Modified for Aerocord, originally part of Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience
* Copyright (c) 2024-2024 Aiek
* Copyright (c) 2024 RandomServer Community
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors
export function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
// lets just use our own c# updater cuz why not
import { app, BrowserWindow, shell } from "electron";
import { Settings, State } from "main/settings";
import { handle } from "main/utils/ipcWrappers";
import { makeLinksOpenExternally } from "main/utils/makeLinksOpenExternally";
import { githubGet, ReleaseData } from "main/utils/vencordLoader";
import { join } from "path";
import { IpcEvents } from "shared/IpcEvents";
import { ICON_PATH, VIEW_DIR } from "shared/paths";
export interface UpdateData {
currentVersion: string;
latestVersion: string;
release: ReleaseData;
let updateData: UpdateData;
handle(IpcEvents.UPDATER_GET_DATA, () => updateData);
handle(IpcEvents.UPDATER_DOWNLOAD, () => {
const updaterPath = join(app.getPath('exe'), '..', 'Updater.exe')
handle(IpcEvents.UPDATE_IGNORE, () => {
State.store.skippedUpdate = updateData.latestVersion;
function isOutdated(oldVersion: string, newVersion: string) {
const oldParts = oldVersion.split(".");
const newParts = newVersion.split(".");
if (oldParts.length !== newParts.length)
throw new Error(`Incompatible version strings (old: ${oldVersion}, new: ${newVersion})`);
for (let i = 0; i < oldParts.length; i++) {
const oldPart = Number(oldParts[i]);
const newPart = Number(newParts[i]);
if (isNaN(oldPart) || isNaN(newPart))
throw new Error(`Invalid version string (old: ${oldVersion}, new: ${newVersion})`);
if (oldPart < newPart) return true;
if (oldPart > newPart) return false;
return false;
export async function checkUpdates() {
if (Settings.store.checkUpdates === false) return;
try { // make this work with gitea cuz FUK GITHUB!
const raw = await fetch("https://git.randomserver.top/api/v1/repos/aiek/aerocord/releases/latest");
const data = await raw.json();
const oldVersion = app.getVersion();
const newVersion = data.tag_name.replace(/^v/, "");
updateData = {
currentVersion: oldVersion,
latestVersion: newVersion,
release: data
if (State.store.skippedUpdate !== newVersion && isOutdated(oldVersion, newVersion)) {
} catch (e) {
console.error("AppUpdater: Failed to check for updates\n", e);
function openNewUpdateWindow() {
const win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 500,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
alwaysOnTop: true,
webPreferences: {
preload: join(__dirname, "updaterPreload.js"),
nodeIntegration: false,
contextIsolation: true,
sandbox: true
win.loadFile(join(VIEW_DIR, "updater.html"));
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
import { contextBridge } from "electron";
import { invoke } from "preload/typedIpc";
import { IpcEvents } from "shared/IpcEvents";
import type { UpdateData } from "./main";
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("Updater", {
getData: () => invoke<UpdateData>(IpcEvents.UPDATER_GET_DATA),
download: () => {
ignore: () => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.UPDATE_IGNORE),
close: () => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.CLOSE)
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 201 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 68 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 MiB |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css" type="text/css" />
body {
padding: 2em;
h1 {
text-align: center;
<h1 id="title">Aerocord</h1>
Aerocord is a Vesktop fork made to work with Windows Vista/7/8.
<h2>Aerocord Gitea:</h2>
<a href="https://git.randomserver.top/administrator/aerocord" target="_blank">Aerocord Source Code</a>
<h2>Credits to the original Vesktop developer:</h2>
<a href="https://vencord.dev" target="_blank">Vencord Website</a>
<a href="https://github.com/Vencord/Vesktop" target="_blank">Vesktop Source Code</a>
<a href="https://git.randomserver.top/administrator/aerocord/src/branch/main/documentation.md"
target="_blank">Documentation can be found here</a>
<a href="https://git.randomserver.top/administrator/aerocord/src/branch/main/build.md" target="_blank">Building
instructions can be found here</a>
<script type="module">
const data = await Updater.getData();
if (data.currentVersion) {
const title = document.getElementById("title");
title.textContent += ` v${data.currentVersion}`;
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
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border: none;
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filter: brightness(0.8);
#submit {
background: green;
<h1>Welcome to Aerocord - a Vesktop fork meant for Windows Vista, 7 and 8</h1>
<p>Let's customise your experience!</p>
<h2>Discord Branch</h2>
<select name="discordBranch">
<option value="stable">stable</option>
<option value="canary">canary</option>
<option value="ptb">ptb</option>
<h2>Start with System</h2>
<span>Automatically open Aerocord when your computer starts</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="autoStart" />
<h2>Rich Presence</h2>
<span>Enable Rich presence (game activity) via
<a href="https://github.com/OpenAsar/arrpc" target="_blank">arRPC</a></span>
<input type="checkbox" name="richPresence" checked />
<h2>Import Settings</h2>
<span>Import Settings from existing Vencord install (if found)</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="importSettings" checked />
<h2>Minimise to Tray</h2>
<span>Minimise to Tray when closing</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="minimizeToTray" checked />
<div id="buttons">
<button id="cancel">Quit</button>
<button id="submit">Submit</button>
cancel.onclick = () => console.info("cancel");
submit.onclick = e => {
const form = document.querySelector("form");
const formData = new FormData(form);
const data = Object.fromEntries(formData.entries());
console.info("form:" + JSON.stringify(data));
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
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<div class="wrapper">
<img draggable="false" src="../shiggy.gif" alt="Windows 7 jumpscare" role="presentation" />
<p>Loading Aerocord...</p>
<h6>Made by the RandomServer Community!</h6>
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
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.green {
background-color: #248046;
.red {
background-color: #ed4245;
<div class="wrapper">
<h1>Update Available</h1>
<p>There's a new update for Aerocord! Update now to get new fixes and features!</p>
Current: <span id="current"></span>
<br />
Latest: <span id="latest"></span>
<p id="changelog">Loading...</p>
<label id="disable-remind">
<input type="checkbox" />
<span>Do not remind again for </span>
<div class="buttons">
<button name="download" class="green">Download Update</button>
<button name="close" class="red">Close</button>
<script type="module">
const data = await Updater.getData();
document.getElementById("current").textContent = data.currentVersion;
document.getElementById("latest").textContent = data.latestVersion;
document.querySelector("#disable-remind > span").textContent += data.latestVersion;
function checkDisableRemind() {
const checkbox = document.querySelector("#disable-remind > input");
if (checkbox.checked) {
const onClicks = {
download() {
close() {
for (const name in onClicks) {
document.querySelectorAll(`button[name="${name}"]`).forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener("click", onClicks[name]);
<script type="module">
import { micromark } from "https://esm.sh/micromark@3?bundle";
import { gfm, gfmHtml } from "https://esm.sh/micromark-extension-gfm@2?bundle";
const changelog = (await Updater.getData()).release.body;
if (changelog)
document.getElementById("changelog").innerHTML = micromark(changelog, {
extensions: [gfm()],
htmlExtensions: [gfmHtml()]
.replace(/h1>/g, "h3>")
.replace(/<a /g, '<a target="_blank" ');