Upload files to 'src/renderer'
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
import { filters, waitFor } from "@vencord/types/webpack";
import { RelationshipStore } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { Settings } from "./settings";
let GuildReadStateStore: any;
let NotificationSettingsStore: any;
export function setBadge() {
if (Settings.store.appBadge === false) return;
try {
const mentionCount = GuildReadStateStore.getTotalMentionCount();
const pendingRequests = RelationshipStore.getPendingCount();
const hasUnread = GuildReadStateStore.hasAnyUnread();
const disableUnreadBadge = NotificationSettingsStore.getDisableUnreadBadge();
let totalCount = mentionCount + pendingRequests;
if (!totalCount && hasUnread && !disableUnreadBadge) totalCount = -1;
} catch (e) {
let toFind = 3;
function waitForAndSubscribeToStore(name: string, cb?: (m: any) => void) {
waitFor(filters.byStoreName(name), store => {
if (toFind === 0) setBadge();
waitForAndSubscribeToStore("GuildReadStateStore", store => (GuildReadStateStore = store));
waitForAndSubscribeToStore("NotificationSettingsStore", store => (NotificationSettingsStore = store));
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/* Download Desktop button in guilds list */
[class^=listItem_]:has(+ [class^=listItem_] [data-list-item-id=guildsnav___app-download-button]) {
display: none;
/* FIXME: remove this once Discord fixes their css to not explode scrollbars on chromium >=121 */
* {
scrollbar-width: unset !important;
scrollbar-color: unset !important;
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
import "./fixes.css";
import { isWindows, localStorage } from "./utils";
// Make clicking Notifications focus the window
const originalSetOnClick = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Notification.prototype, "onclick")!.set!;
Object.defineProperty(Notification.prototype, "onclick", {
set(onClick) {
originalSetOnClick.call(this, function (this: unknown) {
onClick.apply(this, arguments);
configurable: true
// Hide "Download Discord Desktop now!!!!" banner
localStorage.setItem("hideNag", "true");
// FIXME: Remove eventually.
// Originally, Vencord always used a Windows user agent. This seems to cause captchas
// Now, we use a platform specific UA - HOWEVER, discord FOR SOME REASON????? caches
// device props in localStorage. This code fixes their cache to properly update the platform in SuperProps
if (!isWindows)
try {
const deviceProperties = localStorage.getItem("deviceProperties");
if (deviceProperties && JSON.parse(deviceProperties).os === "Windows")
} catch {}
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
import "./fixes";
import "./appBadge";
import "./patches";
import "./themedSplash";
console.log("read if cute :3");
export * as Components from "./components";
import { findByPropsLazy } from "@vencord/types/webpack";
import { FluxDispatcher } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import SettingsUi from "./components/settings/Settings";
import { Settings } from "./settings";
export { Settings };
const InviteActions = findByPropsLazy("resolveInvite");
export async function openInviteModal(code: string) {
const { invite } = await InviteActions.resolveInvite(code, "Desktop Modal");
if (!invite) return false;
context: "APP"
return true;
const customSettingsSections = (
Vencord.Plugins.plugins.Settings as any as { customSections: ((ID: Record<string, unknown>) => any)[] }
customSettingsSections.push(() => ({
section: "Aerocord",
label: "Aerocord Settings",
element: SettingsUi,
className: "vc-vesktop-settings"
const arRPC = Vencord.Plugins.plugins["WebRichPresence (arRPC)"] as any as {
handleEvent(e: MessageEvent): void;
VesktopNative.arrpc.onActivity(data => {
if (!Settings.store.arRPC) return;
arRPC.handleEvent(new MessageEvent("message", { data }));
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
import { useEffect, useReducer } from "@vencord/types/webpack/common";
import { SettingsStore } from "shared/utils/SettingsStore";
export const Settings = new SettingsStore(VesktopNative.settings.get());
Settings.addGlobalChangeListener((o, p) => VesktopNative.settings.set(o, p));
export function useSettings() {
const [, update] = useReducer(x => x + 1, 0);
useEffect(() => {
return () => Settings.removeGlobalChangeListener(update);
}, []);
return Settings.store;
export function getValueAndOnChange(key: keyof typeof Settings.store) {
return {
value: Settings.store[key] as any,
onChange: (value: any) => (Settings.store[key] = value)
Reference in New Issue