Upload files to 'src/main/utils'
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
import { createWriteStream } from "fs";
import { Readable } from "stream";
import { pipeline } from "stream/promises";
import { setTimeout } from "timers/promises";
interface FetchieOptions {
retryOnNetworkError?: boolean;
export async function downloadFile(url: string, file: string, options: RequestInit = {}, fetchieOpts?: FetchieOptions) {
const res = await fetchie(url, options, fetchieOpts);
await pipeline(
// @ts-expect-error odd type error
createWriteStream(file, {
autoClose: true
const ONE_MINUTE_MS = 1000 * 60;
export async function fetchie(url: string, options?: RequestInit, { retryOnNetworkError }: FetchieOptions = {}) {
let res: Response | undefined;
try {
res = await fetch(url, options);
} catch (err) {
if (retryOnNetworkError) {
console.error("Failed to fetch", url + ".", "Gonna retry with backoff.");
for (let tries = 0, delayMs = 500; tries < 20; tries++, delayMs = Math.min(2 * delayMs, ONE_MINUTE_MS)) {
await setTimeout(delayMs);
try {
res = await fetch(url, options);
} catch {}
if (!res) throw new Error(`Failed to fetch ${url}\n${err}`);
if (res.ok) return res;
let msg = `Got non-OK response for ${url}: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`;
const reason = await res.text().catch(() => "");
if (reason) msg += `\n${reason}`;
throw new Error(msg);
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
import { ipcMain, IpcMainEvent, IpcMainInvokeEvent, WebFrameMain } from "electron";
import { DISCORD_HOSTNAMES } from "main/constants";
import { IpcEvents } from "shared/IpcEvents";
export function validateSender(frame: WebFrameMain) {
const { hostname, protocol } = new URL(frame.url);
if (protocol === "file:") return;
if (!DISCORD_HOSTNAMES.includes(hostname)) throw new Error("ipc: Disallowed host " + hostname);
export function handleSync(event: IpcEvents, cb: (e: IpcMainEvent, ...args: any[]) => any) {
ipcMain.on(event, (e, ...args) => {
e.returnValue = cb(e, ...args);
export function handle(event: IpcEvents, cb: (e: IpcMainInvokeEvent, ...args: any[]) => any) {
ipcMain.handle(event, (e, ...args) => {
return cb(e, ...args);
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
import { BrowserWindow, shell } from "electron";
import { DISCORD_HOSTNAMES } from "main/constants";
import { Settings } from "../settings";
import { createOrFocusPopup, setupPopout } from "./popout";
import { execSteamURL, isDeckGameMode, steamOpenURL } from "./steamOS";
export function handleExternalUrl(url: string, protocol?: string): { action: "deny" | "allow" } {
if (protocol == null) {
try {
protocol = new URL(url).protocol;
} catch {
return { action: "deny" };
switch (protocol) {
case "http:":
case "https:":
if (Settings.store.openLinksWithElectron) {
return { action: "allow" };
// eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
case "mailto:":
case "spotify:":
if (isDeckGameMode) {
} else {
case "steam:":
if (isDeckGameMode) {
} else {
return { action: "deny" };
export function makeLinksOpenExternally(win: BrowserWindow) {
win.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(({ url, frameName, features }) => {
try {
var { protocol, hostname, pathname } = new URL(url);
} catch {
return { action: "deny" };
if (frameName.startsWith("DISCORD_") && pathname === "/popout" && DISCORD_HOSTNAMES.includes(hostname)) {
return createOrFocusPopup(frameName, features);
if (url === "about:blank" || (frameName === "authorize" && DISCORD_HOSTNAMES.includes(hostname)))
return { action: "allow" };
return handleExternalUrl(url, protocol);
win.webContents.on("did-create-window", (win, { frameName }) => {
if (frameName.startsWith("DISCORD_")) setupPopout(win, frameName);
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
import { BrowserWindow, BrowserWindowConstructorOptions } from "electron";
import { Settings } from "main/settings";
import { handleExternalUrl } from "./makeLinksOpenExternally";
const ALLOWED_FEATURES = new Set([
const MIN_POPOUT_WIDTH = 320;
const MIN_POPOUT_HEIGHT = 180;
const DEFAULT_POPOUT_OPTIONS: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions = {
title: "Discord Popout",
backgroundColor: "#2f3136",
frame: Settings.store.customTitleBar !== true,
titleBarStyle: process.platform === "darwin" ? "hidden" : undefined,
process.platform === "darwin"
? {
x: 10,
y: 3
: undefined,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: false,
contextIsolation: true
autoHideMenuBar: Settings.store.enableMenu
export const PopoutWindows = new Map<string, BrowserWindow>();
function focusWindow(window: BrowserWindow) {
function parseFeatureValue(feature: string) {
if (feature === "yes") return true;
if (feature === "no") return false;
const n = Number(feature);
if (!isNaN(n)) return n;
return feature;
function parseWindowFeatures(features: string) {
const keyValuesParsed = features.split(",");
return keyValuesParsed.reduce((features, feature) => {
const [key, value] = feature.split("=");
if (ALLOWED_FEATURES.has(key)) features[key] = parseFeatureValue(value);
return features;
}, {});
export function createOrFocusPopup(key: string, features: string) {
const existingWindow = PopoutWindows.get(key);
if (existingWindow) {
return <const>{ action: "deny" };
return <const>{
action: "allow",
overrideBrowserWindowOptions: {
export function setupPopout(win: BrowserWindow, key: string) {
PopoutWindows.set(key, win);
/* win.webContents.on("will-navigate", (evt, url) => {
// maybe prevent if not origin match
win.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(({ url }) => handleExternalUrl(url));
win.once("closed", () => {
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Aerocord, a vesktop fork for older microsoft NT releases such as NT 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
* Credits to vendicated and the rest of the vesktop contribuitors for making Vesktop!
import { BrowserWindow, dialog } from "electron";
import { writeFile } from "fs/promises";
import { join } from "path";
import { MessageBoxChoice } from "../constants";
import { State } from "../settings";
// Bump this to re-show the prompt
const layoutVersion = 2;
// Get this from "show details" on the profile after exporting as a shared personal layout or using share with community
const layoutId = "3080264545"; // Vesktop Layout v2
const numberRegex = /^[0-9]*$/;
let steamPipeQueue = Promise.resolve();
export const isDeckGameMode = process.env.SteamOS === "1" && process.env.SteamGamepadUI === "1";
export function applyDeckKeyboardFix() {
if (!isDeckGameMode) return;
// Prevent constant virtual keyboard spam that eventually crashes Steam.
process.env.GTK_IM_MODULE = "None";
// For some reason SteamAppId is always 0 for non-steam apps so we do this insanity instead.
function getAppId(): string | null {
// /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/shadercache/APPID/fozmediav1
const path = process.env.STEAM_COMPAT_MEDIA_PATH;
if (!path) return null;
const pathElems = path?.split("/");
const appId = pathElems[pathElems.length - 2];
if (appId.match(numberRegex)) {
console.log(`Got Steam App ID ${appId}`);
return appId;
return null;
export function execSteamURL(url: string) {
// This doesn't allow arbitrary execution despite the weird syntax.
steamPipeQueue = steamPipeQueue.then(() =>
join(process.env.HOME || "/home/deck", ".steam", "steam.pipe"),
// replace ' to prevent argument injection
`'${process.env.HOME}/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam' '-ifrunning' '${url.replaceAll("'", "%27")}'\n`,
export function steamOpenURL(url: string) {
export async function showGamePage() {
const appId = getAppId();
if (!appId) return;
await execSteamURL(`steam://nav/games/details/${appId}`);
async function showLayout(appId: string) {
export async function askToApplySteamLayout(win: BrowserWindow) {
const appId = getAppId();
if (!appId) return;
if (State.store.steamOSLayoutVersion === layoutVersion) return;
const update = Boolean(State.store.steamOSLayoutVersion);
// Touch screen breaks in some menus when native touch mode is enabled on latest SteamOS beta, remove most of the update specific text once that's fixed.
const { response } = await dialog.showMessageBox(win, {
message: `${update ? "Update" : "Apply"} Vesktop Steam Input Layout?`,
detail: `Would you like to ${update ? "Update" : "Apply"} Vesktop's recommended Steam Deck controller settings?
${update ? "Click yes using the touchpad" : "Tap yes"}, then press the X button or tap Apply Layout to confirm.${
update ? " Doing so will undo any customizations you have made." : ""
${update ? "Click" : "Tap"} no to keep your current layout.`,
buttons: ["Yes", "No"],
cancelId: MessageBoxChoice.Cancel,
defaultId: MessageBoxChoice.Default,
type: "question"
if (State.store.steamOSLayoutVersion !== layoutVersion) {
State.store.steamOSLayoutVersion = layoutVersion;
if (response === MessageBoxChoice.Cancel) return;
await showLayout(appId);
Reference in New Issue