# NodeJS7 - a full NodeJS backport for Windows Vista/7 ### Next update, the pacthing method will change as I'm going to use [AiekWpr](https://git.randomserver.top/aiek/win7-wrapper) instead of the current patching method Please note that for Windows Vista compatibility, the [extended kernel](https://win32subsystem.live/extended-kernel/) is needed Windows 8.0 users - NodeJS works natively on your operating system, you just gotta install it manually but other than that it's just fine ![img](https://git.randomserver.top/aiek/nodejs7/raw/branch/main/images/fukgithub.png) ## Download Pre-Patched NodeJS builds here [Find them here](https://git.randomserver.top/aiek/nodejs7/releases) ### Backporting: [Learn more here](https://git.randomserver.top/aiek/nodejs7/src/branch/main/backport.md) ### Installation: [Learn more here](https://git.randomserver.top/aiek/nodejs7/src/branch/main/install.md)