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This guide has been written on the 24th of july, 2024, this should work for a few years. If this method ever stops working I'll be more than happy to make a guide on how to compile nodejs from source (ofc, patched for Windows Vista/7/8)

How to backport

Steps needed before backporting:

Download CFF explorer

You can download it from here

The actual backporting:

  1. Install NodeJS, even though you haven't patched it you still need to install it (with the system enviorment variables and everything)

    After that, open it with CFF Explorer


  1. Load node.exe, if it prompts you to load 40mbs into memory and whatever, just click "No"


  1. Go into the "import directory" and then select "KERNEL32.DLL"


  1. Now find "GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime", and replace it with the following: QueryPerformanceCounter


I think you're supposed to press space or something to actually be able to modify the value (whilst it's selected), not sure tho I patched this like 3 days ago

This is what its supposed to look like after all of that:


  1. Save it, the save button is on the top left, press "yes" if it asks you about it



  1. Congrats, you've just patched NodeJS for Windows Vista/7/8!


Please credit me for this method if you plan to use it in YOUR NodeJS fork with windows 7 compatibility or whatever =)